Sunday, June 26, 2011
More Lies ..... Part two
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. -Ministry of truth
4. Tax code is about raising revenue to fund our government. That's what they would like you to believe. As lies go, its relatively benign - its really more of a misdirection. Truth is the tax code is how our elected politicians legislate their morality. Tax laws are designed with the intent of influencing behavior of taxpayers (evaders too) in one direction or another. Put a tax on X and people won't do X. Give a tax exemption for Y and the people will do Y. Its really that simple. It seems odd the tax code would be written without regard to revenue - yet it is. If Gman wanted to raise revenue - they would do what every other government before them who has controlled a FIAT currency has done - print more. The tax code is the modern day equivalent of the slave masters whip. Just like the other two lies on today's blog, this one is all about control of the masses.
5. Climate change is caused by man. In my 4 plus decades on this planet, every time man does battle with nature - he gets his ass kicked. The idea, man could actually alter his behavior in some way to move nature in a direction man wants it to go is patently absurd. It is the zenith of arrogance to think thats even possible. Yet, there exists a small faction of the scientific community screaming the sky is falling while demanding money to study the possibility - (No conflict there of course). Anyone with a semi- advanced understanding of math (space & volume) has all the tools needed to comprehend the statistically insignificant contribution man has made to global warming. Its not even a rounding error - thats how small it is. The lie of manmade climate change is more about getting Government into every facet of our lives. It is a repeatable pattern used over & over by our leaders. Take a problem (real or imagined matters not), create enough hysteria over said problem such that government response is demanded. There is nothing on this planet you could add government to, and make better. Climate change is no exception as Gman will just become more intrusive into our lives - and nature will do what it wants anyway.
6. Religious faith is good for the soul. Any natural born con artist will tell you, the easiest marks are those who take things on faith. Faith, by definition, requires an abandonment of reason - you know reason - the only thing that separates us from the animals. Faith is believing without evidence. Faith is a shortcut to knowledge, like cheating. Faith is bad enough, combine it with religion and you are destined for a life of futile emptiness. Organized religion is perhaps the cruelest lie ever perpetrated on mankind as more people have died because of or in the name of religion than anything else. As an institution, organized religion bears a striking resemblance to another institution we abolished 150 years ago - Slavery. They both require unquestioning obedience, they coerce loyalty with threats of severe punishment, they place your needs secondary to others, and most importantly they rob people of their humanity. Growth as a human being requires an inward looking examination of the soul - which is not always a pretty place. Organized religion relieves people of this difficult burden by telling them to look outward. So followers go thru life without the possibility of growth - like slaves. All religions do it, they all say you need to give up who you are as an individual to become a cog in a greater machine. All religions value institution over individual. Think of yourself, or for yourself - well that is heresy. Religious faith is an easy sell on this planet because its not an idea which the mind possesses, but rather its an idea which possesses the mind.
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Outstanding post. Keem 'em coming!