Sunday, June 3, 2012

Greece, It all starts with a light envelope

  Or so says the wisdom of Richie......


     The US media & their masters (the paper aristocracy) would have us believe the dominant economic theme - four years running, is Greece defaulting on their debt, and its supposed impact on the Euro. I am quite sure the Ivory tower types are having quite a laugh shoving the Greece story up our rectums the last four years. After all, it was the Greeks who invented ass-fucking. I, for one - am tired of the Greek gift.  Greece, no matter what the media tells you - simply is not big enough to collapse anything - especially not the euro. Greece represents about 1% (GDP basis) of the European community. Here in the US, this is the math equivalent of Alabama being able to collapse the dollar. It has about as much chance of happening as this kid pictured below does of kicking ass.

  The real issue with Greece is some powerful people, with more money than brains, have booked wagers in the trillions that are tied to the outcome in Greece. In essence, Greece is nothing more than a long drawn out crap game. Assigning blame to Greece is like blaming the dice when you seven out. Sure they turned a seven - but are the dice really to blame for your losses - or are you?  The situation in Greece is really no different. There are large $$ sums bet on whether Greece pays their debts in full, partially, or not at all. There are large $$ sums wagered on whether Greece withdraws & starts their own currency - or continues to get bailed out. There are large $$sums wagered on whether the problem will be contained, or spread to other countries - and which countries? 

  The Greece story drags on year after year with no resolution in sight because The bankers (your casino hosts) would not have a game if there were an actual resolution in Greece. Not only that, when the resolution comes, one side or the other will get skinned. Like the saying goes - you can shear a sheep many times, but only skin him once. The way the paper aristocracy sees it, there is no reason to shut down the casino - especially when you consider there are willing bettors on both sides. This is why the story drags on for years. 

  Occasionally, the Volume level on the Greece story gets kicked up to "ramming speed" levels - like now. This has the effect of getting anyone remotely interested in trading the Euro onto the short side.  The "Euro to zero" mantra has been pushed hard by the Paper Aristocracy. Any reasonable sentient being has to know this means the Paper Aristocracy is on the long side of the Euro. Thats right, while the media chants Euro to Zero, The COT's show the Bankers with a RECORD long Euro position in place. In the meantime the general public dolts, easily swayed by the evening news, are carrying RECORD short positions.  Another fine example of Bankers vs. public.  Gee, I wonder how this trade will end.

  Bagholder goes long the Euro right here, as the idea of a flea speck of a country crashing the system is patently absurd. We will check back before the end of the year on this one.   

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. MACD on daily charts are up for SPX, GLD, GDX, GDXJ, EGO, SLW, etc. The MACD doesn't lie. Sometimes it stretches the truth a little bit...
