For the second Month in a row - Lord Vader has captured the Mytwocents Quiz with a perfect 12 of 12 score. Congratulations are due, he has grown his Silver position. Bagholder was of the opinion this was an easy quiz, as it turned out it was more difficult than I imagined. Here are the correct answers along with a brief explanation:
1. Paul - Tea party = smaller government, no taxes, no wars, balanced budget. While Bachman supporters would like to claim the tea party mantle, fact is she has voted for UNbalanced budgets & Increased troops in Iraq - while Paul voted NO on all wars & has never voted for a tax increase or unbalanced budget in his 23 years.
2. Bachman - She gets the most with the least. The fact she is even in the running with her paper thin resume speaks to her Savvy.
3. Perry. This guy is George Bush less 20 IQ points (and we know W. didn't have too many to spare)
4. Romney - Harvard MBA - need I say more.
5. Palin The most skilled is the one who can lie while connecting with people on a personal level, such that they don't care about the lie. Clinton had it, Reagan had it, and so does Palin.
6. Paul. This one was a hand out - there is no other name in the conversation. You want to turn Washington upside down, this is the guy.
7. Obama - His record speaks for itself. I could see an argument for Perry here too.
8. Perry - This one isn't close either - have you seen his college transcript?
9. Palin - She has the Broadest appeal (no pun intended). Even if Obama wins the election - he won't carry the most states. Of course, she has to get the nomination first.
10. Bachman - The Romans used to feed christian fundamentalists to starved lions, because they thought it just. Some of her religious utterances, are downright scary - for those of us living in reality. Bagholder, being a big picture guy, would overlook this religious frailty & vote for her in a second.
11. Romney - The only real business man in the group, besides the only thing missing is the diamond pinkie ring
12. Obama - Another no-brainer. Someone who has driven the economy off a cliff has to be less qualified to get behind the wheel again than any of the 5 who didn't.
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