It is well known in Literary circles that Baum's masterpiece The Wizard of Oz is an allegory for monetary reform cleverly disguised as a children's fictional tale. Oz was written in the late 1890's when the single biggest political issue, by far, was monetary reform. Baum himself, placed a disclaimer in the introduction of the book stating "OZ" was just a children's tale. Thinking logically, why put a disclaimer in the book at all, unless its known, in advance, people will perceive the story to be something more than a fictional tale. The characters & the symbolism within are much too dead-on to be a mere coincidence. It speaks to Baum's Genius that he could condense the political/monetary landscape as well as all the players of the 1890's, into a fictional tale to which anyone could relate. His genius is further evidenced by the timelessness of "Oz". While the present political landscape is certainly different than the 1890's; The players and the lessons to be learned are even more applicable today.
The great and powerful Wizard of Oz himself, is the symbolic representation of Government (Gman). In todays world, Gman is looked to for answers to everybody's problems - just like the Wizard of Oz. He is seemingly all-powerful, unless you are fortunate enough to get a peek behind the curtain - where Gmans deceptions and ineptitude are made obvious. Truth is Oz, just like Gman today, has no answers. Gman is little more than a giant complex wealth re-distribution machine created to mislead people into believing the cure for what ails them requires looking to Gman, instead of an inward looking examination of self. This was a minor problem in the 1890's, today its an epidemic.
Then we have the Wicked Witch representing the interests of the Paper Aristocracy. They seek to control people - plain & simple. The Witch used flying monkeys to further her cause, today's Paper Aristocracy uses the MainStream-Media (granted, they don't fly, but they are monkeys none-the-less). The Witch used a crystal ball for clairvoyance, todays Paper Aristocracy simply make the headlines. The Witch used fear as her chief instrument of control. Today's Paper Aristocracy has gathered most every form of human frailty known including fear, greed, vanity, power, and ignorance; and forged them into the finest instrument of control mankind has ever seen - paper money.
Dorothy symbolizes the will of the people, the electorate. As a group - they are not particularly savvy - but they do have common sense. Dorothy, like the US electorate is not perfect, as her reasoning is easily swayed by emotion, distraction, and specious tales of woe. Dorothy was a lost soul looking only for a way back home, to a simpler more black and white world. She buys into the proffered nirvana of the Emerald city (read: green paper) just as the US electorate bought into the Bankers pitch of fiat paper money. Dorthy and her companions obsession with the Emerald city (and its supposed answers to their problems) is no different than peoples blinding obsession with paper money today. Just think how many folks you know who would tell you their lives would be so much better if they just had more, green paper. The victims come from all walks of life too. Farmers (scarecrows), industrial kings (lions), workers (Tin men), and munchkins (poor) all have their share of wretched souls lost beneath a sea of paper money.
Once Dorothy gets to the Emerald city, she realizes immediately the system is fraudulent. She and her companions discover they held the answers to their problems, all along. In her case the Ruby slippers, which are not Ruby at all. Hollywood made them Ruby red to stand out on screen, taking advantage of the fact Wizard of Oz was among the first color films ever made. In the book they are silver slippers which gave Dorothy the means to go where she wanted. In other words, to be free. Free people, by definition are not controlled, which explains why the silver slippers were so coveted by the witch. The key to Dorothy's freedom was silver. In today's world, buying physical silver is the only way to unlock and remove the shackles of paper money. Slaves keep their money in paper, free men keep theirs in Silver.
In Oz, the yellow brick road is the path to nirvana. Everybody knows it, but until Dorothy comes along - nobody follows it. Is Gold really any different today? History is clear, a Gold standard is the answer to todays economic woes. Just like the munchkins of Oz who wouldn't follow the yellow-brick road, the masses today continue to play the rigged games (stock, bond, and money markets) of the paper aristocracy, becoming more impoverished every day. Gold was the path in the 1890's, it is the path today. The Paper Aristocracy (just like the wicked witch) is doing all they can to push people off the Gold path. They know Gold is the anecdote to the paper disease they spread.
Perhaps the best lesson to be taken from Oz is While the yellow brick road may have led into the Emerald city, it also led out. Emerald city, like paper money, is one giant con. It has only the power we give it. Real power, the power to change the way things are, lies within. You are not obligated to play the fiat money game, any more than Dorothy and her companions were required to stay in the Emerald city. You have the power to buy precious metals and take control away from the Paper Aristocracy. Dorothy needed the Lion, Scarecrow, and Tin man to make her journey. In like manner, you need brains, heart, and courage to recognize Gold for what it is - the only way out of the FIAT paper hell.
Remenber, In Oz, the yellow brick road was not without scare. In today's world, we have msm monkeys screaming "bubble" on every Gold rally & "popped bubble" on every pull back, hoping to push the lost souls off the yellow brick road!! Do not be fooled, this is a clear cut case of life needing to imitate art. Follow the yellow brick road!! Follow follow follow follow follow the yellow brick road!!
Remenber, In Oz, the yellow brick road was not without scare. In today's world, we have msm monkeys screaming "bubble" on every Gold rally & "popped bubble" on every pull back, hoping to push the lost souls off the yellow brick road!! Do not be fooled, this is a clear cut case of life needing to imitate art. Follow the yellow brick road!! Follow follow follow follow follow the yellow brick road!!
The great and powerful Bagholder, hath spoken.
Really?? The last two lines of the blog you should be singing follow the yellow brick road - who wouldn't be happy doing that?
ReplyDeleteOh, wait - are you following the yellow brick road?
I have owned gold and silver for the last 5 years and have never been happier! Not just because it is going up in value in paper dollars, but because its purchasing power is going up in any other medium that can be measured, especially real estate. In Phoenix, AZ, one can purchase 8-10 houses today with the same amount of gold that 4 years ago would buy 1 house. As Beavis would say, Boooiinnggg!!
ReplyDelete>Bagholder> That's my Kevin! :-)