There are only a handful of places on earth that have its own, one of a kind, smell. One of those places for me, was Sportsmans park Racetrack in Cicero Illinois. The scent in that place was an unmistakeable mix of moldy wood, stale smoke, and of course, horse manure. It was built nearly a century ago as a Dog track. In fact, Al Capone used to fix races there by feeding grease laden hamburger to all the dogs in a race , except the one he was going to bet. You have to admire his moxie. Bagholder spent many a summer night playing the harness races there. Being an older facility, in a poor part of town they didn't have much for public restrooms. The few they did have, had very few stalls & they sure didn't clean them very often. If you needed one of those stalls, it was difficult to find one habitable. It usually ended up being a game of deciding which toilet stall was the least compromised. You open one stall & think, no fckn way - until you open the next one.
As of this writing, it seems the remaining choices for the next President are limited to Obama, Gingrich, Romney & Santorum. The remaining field vying for the right to become our next president is very reminiscent of being at Sportsmans park & needing to take a dump. The choices range from stalls with an overflowing sea of disease & pestilence, to just plain full of shit. Examining the final four……
Santorum. The flavor of the month. This guy reminds me of Thomas Carcetti, the fictional mayor of Baltimore in HBO's epic series, the Wire. Like Carcetti, he is in touch with his feminine side, leaving him about as uninspiring as a politician can be. Although, it appears, he has been blessed by the Evangelicals. Perhaps its because he is the only candidate of the four remaining who actually believes what he says, notwithstanding the fact some of his beliefs are extreme. While the other three are just salesman with a pitch, Santorum's message is much more consistent; thus he comes off as more genuine. Having said that, I have seen much of what comes out of his mouth … in those stalls at the racetrack.
Romney. We have said it before, but it bears repeating; there is no discernible difference between this guy & Obama, except Romney could have his hands on the wheel for eight years. This scares the daylights out of Bagholder. Sure, he would aim money at more traditionally conservative causes, but get spending under control - not a chance. Stop this nations imperialistic ways - no way. Shrink the size of Gman - not happening. Cut taxes - guess again. While this guy speaks a like a Republican, his deeds would say otherwise. Combine his serial hypocrisy with his neatly manicured image, and a strong argument could be made he is at best, an egomaniac - and at worst, a complete psychopath.
Gingrich. While he is the most dangerous of the four candidates, he also has the most upside. Of the four, he is clearly the most ethically challenged, which is telling, when you consider we are talking about four politicians. It does appear the US electorate has sized him up & then rejected him. I find Irony in this country rejecting him for his baggage. We did elect Clinton, an obvious reprobate. So why does Newt's personal baggage matter? His message much scare a lot of people. At this point it time, it does not appear likely he can get the nomination. Then again, there were some stalls I never thought I would use either...
Obama. After 3 plus years of his command, a few things are obvious. He is no visionary. He is no agent of change. He is the choice of the establishment. He is more interested in himself, than this country - evidenced by his multiple extensive vacations. If re-elected, he would no longer need to keep up pretenses of caring about the direction this country is headed. Vacations would come even more frequently, and last longer. The country would be moving more from existing momentum, than from his guiding hand. It has to be viewed positively, that unlike the others, he is guaranteed gone in four years. In light of that fact, when compared to the other three stooges above - he just might be the shiniest Turd in the punchbowl.
While the electorate seems satisfied with playing which stall is the least compromised, Bagholder knows there is no winning that game. We here at mytwocent$ will continue to endorse the only true agent of change, the most philosophically consistent candidate, the only candidate who would actually get us out of wars, and the only candidate who would actually cut spending. We refer to the 24 karat candidate - Ron Paul
Nothing to fear from this 24k commode..... Vote Ron Paul
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