Yesterday was one of those days for Golf fans, that just don't come along very often. The two best golfers (Mickelson & Tiger) of the last 20 years paired together on the last day at one of golfs most cherished venues. The tournament was on the line Sunday at Pebble Beach, a course they have both "owned" earlier in their careers. What an unexpected treat. It was a matchup for the ages. The 30 foot putt Mickey made after Tiger's chip-in, is proof enough, this universe has balance.
Congratulations are due Phil Mickelson, who won going away. It is the best I have seen him play in quite a while, giving credence to the argument he may yet have a Major or two left in him. As people go, Mickelson just oozes class. Always has. The first decade of his career he was known as the best player never to win a major. It was branded on him, like a scarlet letter. He took it like a man. When he finally got that monkey off his back at the 2004 Masters with an array of Birdies & Eagles in the final round, well, it brought tears to Bagholder's eyes. Yesterday, he again had the whole package on display. He was striping drives, his irons were precise, and he was making 30-footers like they were tap-ins. He, unlike his opponent, was master of his domain - nuance intended. We here at Mytwocent$ could not be happier for Mickelson.
As for his opponent, Tiger, many would claim he is broken man. Tiger is an exposed fraud, with the removed veneer leaving him a mental cripple, or so the argument goes. Consequently, most believe his days of dominating the PGA tour are over. I disagree. As an investor in greatness, I am going long Tiger Woods right here. He simply has too much talent & he is the best clutch putter I have ever seen. Anyone who understands what it takes to play Golf at the highest level would tell you, the game is a mental one. Yet, Tiger was able dominate the tour while living a duplicitous life. Juggling multiple women is hardly a recipe for a clear head. In fact, it would have to be a living hell. His career golf accomplishments are staggering, when you consider he did it while his inner demons were running the show.
I suspect, Tiger has spent the last couple years with some of the best shrinks money can buy. Hopefully, his spiritual healing has taken root and he is no longer on the road to Dante's 8th level of hell where a gilded lead suit awaits him. High priced psychiatry makes it likely he will be teeing it up in the future with a lot fewer personal issues. When you combine the best natural talent WITH a healthy psyche, there is no limit to what can be accomplished. With that in mind, Bagholder is now on record as stating he believes Tiger has a minimum of 6 more Majors in his career & will again dominate the tour.
Of course, I have been wrong before…In that vein, congratulations are also due the New York football Giants. They were the better team last Sunday, Sorry Patriot fans…..
Congratulations, Phil! Looking for some more exciting PGA TOUR action? Then get ready for the Mayakoba Golf Classic on the stunning Playa del Carmen in Mexico. Airing Feb 22-26 on the Golf Channel. All the info you need is right here: