Monday, September 13, 2021

 My apologies in advance for the dark tone of todays blog. Never one to shy away from reality, Bagholder believes the following is the road ahead our overlords have paved for us all. Enter at your own risk. 

    - First and foremost, understandCovid” is never going away ….

    Gman, the media, and big pharma, aka the “Triumvirate” all gain the longer this drags on.  Big Pharma makes bank peddling vaccines (which do not work and are little more than therapeutics) They, in turn, pay the media to scream fear 24/7. The frightened herd then clamors for Gman  to respond. Gman obliges with new laws & mandates which are supposed to help, but in typical government fashion,  only make things worse. When you consider the 3 entities involved (Gman, Media, Pharma) there is really no reason for them to ever shut off the gravy train. What this means is ….

    - You will have less & less freedom going forward


          With the Triumvirate standing to gain,  who do you suppose is losing?  Yep, You and Me.  The more Gman grows, the less freedom we have. The more laws they pass, the tougher our lives become.  The more we (are forced to) ingest big pharma concoctions, the sicker we are going to get. Media will continue to do the bidding of their two biggest clients, namely Gman and big pharma.  They will lay out  what is expected of you as we enter the “new normal”.  Part of that new normal will include the fact that…..

    - Covid shots will be “needed” on a regular basis for the rest of your life

                  Big Pharma has no interest in providing an actual cure for Covid. Its not in their business model.  They prefer the “Subscription Model” where customers will be required to take their product  on a regular basis, for life.  This provides big pharma with a recurring revenue stream, aka the Holy Grail of the business world. Of course they will divert a portion of the revenue stream to the political campaigns of the politicians willing to force joe sixpack into rolling up his sleeve. Another portion will go to the Media for ramping up the hysteria enough, to make Joe sixpack believe getting the jab is in his interests. What Joe doesn’t realize is…

     -The Vaxxed will continue to spread Covid at a much greater rate than the unvaxxed. 

                      These “vaccines” are therapeutics at best, meaning they are designed to treat symptoms, not the cause. When you have a back ache, taking an opiate (a therapeutic) makes the back feel better, but does nothing to address the underlying issue.  When your body has an ache, that pain is a signal something is wrong. Suppressing those signals with therapeutics handicaps your immune response.  Its the equivalent of disabling all the fire alarms in a skyscraper. The Covid Jabs do suppress symptoms, allowing the Vaxxed to go on with their lives as though nothing is wrong;  spreading the disease everywhere they go. Contrast this with the unvaxxed, who will experience symptoms earlier in the infection cycle, giving their immune system a head start. All of which explains why ….

   -The Vaxxed will be dying from Covid  at a much greater rate than the unvaxxed. 

                We are already seeing this in the UK (link here) and will be seeing it in the US soon.   Suppressing the symptoms allows the virus in the early stages to progress unimpeded. Compounding the problem is the fact that mRna vaccines are taking over portions of your immune system and instructing it to produce antibodies specific to the original virus.  In other words,  a percentage of your immune system is distracted fighting last years virus. So not only are the “fire alarms” in your body suppressed, half the firemen won’t be available to respond, because they are off fighting last years fire. This is why getting Vaxxed increases your chances of death from Covid.  Not to worry though, …..

   - The “Unvaxxed” will be blamed for all the misery… 

                   As Joe sixpack continues to feel his normal life slipping away, he will need an enemy.  The triumvirate will gladly provide Joe a villain by foisting blame for all the misery on to the Unvaxxed.  Providing a scapegoat for the vaxxed to direct their frustration, while simultaneously making the lives of the unvaxxed harder by having to deal with the derision of the vaxxed; is a win-win for the triumvirate. There is not a shred of logic in blaming the unvaxxed for the failure of the vaccine, but that is exactly what the triumvirate would have us believe. Classic misdirection. Joe’s pain is a result of the 24/7 fear porn on tv, lockdowns, mandates, experimental gene therapy, and business closures - all of which were instituted and fomented by the triumvirate. Their ultimate goal is to use Joe sixpack tp help increase pressure on the unvaxxed, with the hopes of goosing the vaccination rates higher, which in turn will make it easier to institute…

   - Vaccination passports for All

             I’m not talking paper passports, i’m talking under the skin computer chip - internet connected passports. They will be sold to the masses as the path out of the Covid dystopian hell in which we currently reside.  No need to worry, it will only be your medical records. Get your chip & go back to your normal life … I can hear it now.  The downside is the unprecedented amount of power Gman will have going forward. While it might start with just medical records, it won’t be long before you are tracked 24/7. They will know everything, where you went, who you were with, and how many times you had sex last month. The day will come when you eat too many fat grams, Your health chip will notify the authorities, and you will be fined. Keep it up, and the health police will be dispatched to seize your cheetoh’s, and lock you up. While this may seem insane, believe me, its not that far off.  This is precisely why…..

   - The proliferation of the police state will continue in earnest…

            As the screws get tightened on middle America, you can expect a full dose of military style intervention directed at anyone who dares wander from the scripted path. The road forward will be paved on the nightly news with example after example illustrating the sad fate of those who resist assimilation.  Ever wonder why the  average police department is more heavily armed than the standing armies of most countries?  They know what’s coming. 

  -  The judiciary will be no help…

       Planning a lawsuit because you lost your corporate job for refusing the jab?  Or maybe you are one of the tens of thousands suffering adverse reactions from the vaccines, and you are thinking a lawsuit just might be the answer. Simply put, none of these cases will ever see the light of day in a courtroom.  Those black robe wearing tools of the state were bought and paid for by the “Triumvirate”, long before you ever walked into their world. You didn’t actually think you could go into a courtroom and get anything resembling justice, did you?

  • Big tech will continue to assist in the censorship of anyone who dares to speak out against the prevailing Covid narrative. 

          Big tech stands to get a huge payday from this Covid narrative.  It will be their chips injected in all of us.  Of course, we only get to that stage if the Triumvirate can keep the narrative going of a Covid boogeyman. This explains the incessant campaign to suppress the success of Ivermectin - a drug which cost pennies. According to Johns Hopkins, people NOT treated with Ivermectin are dying at 18x the rate of those treated with Ivermectin. This graph with a sample size of an entire continent says it all….

 Ivermectin will never be allowed here.  Covid would go away, the media would have no vehicle to instill fear, there would be no need for big pharma concoctions, and Gman would have no valid reasons for lockdowns & mandates. The triumvirate would fall.  Ivermectin is the stone in David’s sling, which could take down the Goliath triumvirate. Want to have some real fun? Ask anyone who continually refers to Ivermectin as “Horsepaste or animal dewormer” to explain the graph above.  

   While Bagholder believes this blog lays out the likely path forward for us all.  It is by no means, guaranteed. The triumvirate is the quintessential  paper tiger. They need our willing participation.  Without it, they are powerless.  This means not succumbing to the 24/7 fear perpetuated by the media. It requires delving into the science & math and realizing the Jab will only make things worse. Realize government only has the power we give them - rejecting their mandates is the first step in checking that power.  Provided enough of us stand up and say I WILL NOT COMPLY, their entire narrative crumbles, and the triumvirate will be slain. 

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