Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Patriotic Duty

   Here we are, nearly 2 1/2 centuries after the American Revolution - and we haven’t learned a damn thing about freedom.  Most people would tell you the revolutionary war was fought between England and the Colonists. While true in a sense, it would be more accurate to say the war was fought between England and a minority of the colonists. The distinction is an important one.  On one side was England, a fading empire, up to their eyeballs in debt, but an empire none the less.  Just like every fallen empire before them from the Sumerians through the Romans, they tried to keep their crumbling empire together by increasing taxation and sharply curtailing the freedom of their subjects. 

   Within the 13 colonies, the citizenry was sharply divided into 2 distinct groups. The first group had those citizens loyal to the English Crown, known as Tories. Their motto was “God, Queen, Country”. Notice how the Individual is nowhere to be found in their pecking order. The Tories did what they were told, as they felt their needs were secondary to needs of the Crown. If the Crown had said, roll up your sleeve and take this experimental Jab, because it will keep you safe - they would have done it without a thought. They valued safety above all else, even freedom. They believed with all their hearts, the Crown, who had the biggest standing army (and navy) at the time, would keep them safe. So without complaint,  they rationalized away control over their own life, and blindly accepted the Crown’s Intolerable acts and onerous taxation. 

   The second Group in the 13 colonies was known as the Patriots. Today the word “Patriots”  has a very positive connotation.  Back then however, “Patriots” were widely considered troublemakers, rabble rousers, and criminals.  The Patriots valued Freedom above all else. Had the British crown said, roll up your sleeve and take this experimental Jab, because it will keep you safe - they would have said you can shove that Jab up the King’s ass. Oh, and bring me that smarmy court jester Fauci, so we can have him drawn & quartered.  The Patriots were a rugged, self-reliant bunch. As the Crown tightened the screws on its subjects with new laws and new taxes, it was the Patriots who stood up to the evil empire, and said WE WILL NOT COMPLY.  The Crown branded them rebellious traitors.  

     WE WILL NOT COMPLY was complete heresy to the Tories. In fact, the Tories were terrified of what the Crown might do to ALL of the colonists because of the behavior of a few belligerent Patriots. The Tories felt the Patriots were jeopardizing their safety and their future. So the Torries lashed out, burning businesses & homes belonging to the Patriots. They did anything they could to undermine the Patriots in their struggle against the Crown. The Tories willingly traded away their freedom, to live under the authoritarian rule of the Crown, in the hopes they would be safe. Some people just want to be ruled. 

   The patriots looked at the situation in a more rational manner. They decided it was pure lunacy to continue to give huge chunks of their income to some guy sitting in a fancy chair thousands of miles away. In fact, why listen to this guy at all?  He takes our money, passes ever more intrusive laws, and strips us of our freedom a piece at a time (much like the federal government does today). There just comes a point where enough is enough. Only WE can keep us safe thought the Patriots, provided we have the freedom to do it. Unlike the Tories, the Patriots believed the needs of the individual were more important than the needs of the Crown. They correctly judged freedom was worth fighting for.  And so the revolution began….

  The parallels to today are striking. Once again, an oppressive fading empire has divided the country into 2 camps.  Lets call the first group the Vaxxed. They believe the needs of the state are more important than the needs of the individual, just like the Tories. They are obedient subjects, who willingly took the Jab without a thought, because they were told it was safe, and it was for the greater good. They believe its ok for the state to force compliance of their views on those who resist. They have traded away their personal sovereignty by locking down, wearing masks, and rolling up their sleeves; all for the promise of safety and a return to a normal life. 

    In the other Camp are the Unvaxxed, widely considered troublemakers bordering on domestic terrorists, much like the Patriots. They believe the needs of individual outweigh the needs of the state. The unvaxxed have looked at the Science & Math behind the vaccines, and rationally decided to refuse the jab. Above all else, they believe in freedom. One of those freedoms, is the choice to decide what goes in your body is your choice to make, not the state’s. The unvaxxed are indeed, the modern day version of Patriots. 

   There are really only 2 ways you can go thru life.  Like a sheep…. With your head down, doing what you are told without a thought, safely ensconced in the middle of the herd, praying that the wolves never come a calling, and rationalizing the gradual loss of freedom by telling yourself its for the greater good.  Or you can go through life like a wolf…With your head high, alert, self reliant, free spirited, and blazing your own trail.  Life provides choices.  You can rationalize behavior or behave rationally. Do what you are told or think for yourself. Tory or Patriot, state or individual, sheep or wolf, safety or freedom, Jab or no jab. 

Bagholder has made his choices….Enough is enough …. The State can mandate the Jab all they want,  I WILL NOT COMPLY.

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