Monday, August 30, 2021

21 reasons NOT to vax

    Not normally big on making lists, but this topic is just too important.  What follows are 21 of the biggest reasons not to Vax. If anyone reading this knows of a similar list of reasons to Vax, please let me know. Would love to hear it.

1. This is not a Vaccine.  

      When you get a vaccine for something, you are immune. The immunity, by definition, is what makes it a vaccine.  Even if it were a vaccine, Bagholder prefers

to get his immunity the old fashioned way - naturally. Natural immunity is far more comprehensive, and usually lasts a lifetime. Contrast that to what they are injecting people with, which offers NO immunity, and at best - appears only to lessen the symptoms & severity of an infection much like any standard therapeutic does. 

2. The vaccines do not stop transmission or infection.  

       Meaning, not only can you still get infected by the virus, but you can still spread it to others after infection. As stated above, The one thing these Jabs do seem to accomplish, is minimizing the symptoms & severity of an infection. Consequently, these jabs are creating an army of vaccinated people out there, who are infected, but because they exhibit little or no symptoms -  go about their daily routine, infecting others everywhere they go. In essence, we are creating asymptomatic super-spreaders. Somebody please explain the wisdom in taking a drug, which offers no immunity, does nothing to stop transmission, and INCREASES the spread of the Virus via asymptomatic super spreaders.  In the parlance of our time, WTF?

3. These vaccines have NOT been tested in clinical trials. 


 In other words, there is no actual clinical evidence these jabs even work. In fact, there is no evidence these vaccines have been successfully tested on animals - let alone human beings. The real world evidence is pouring in, and by all indications - they do not work.  See here,... and here,... and here. And, lets not forget - we have history available on other drugs brought to market with no testing - all of them abysmal failures. Given that natural immunity has never failed mankind, why do we suddenly now not trust it? 

4. Long term effects are completely unkknown. 


   This is the problem when you have no clinical trials. These vaccines could easily cause hepatitis, like they did in ferrets in this version of a coronavirus vaccine. Or maybe cause lung disease, like they did in mice in this test. Or maybe these vaccines will make people MORE susceptible to coronaviruses, like they did to the mice in this test.  There are plenty more examples (email me if you want more) available of corona vaccine tests which caused long term damage & death to animals. What there is NO evidence of, are any successful trials on animals. But hey, after a long string of failures - why not just skip the animal trials since they can't get that part right & go straight to injecting humans. What could possibly go wrong? 

5. There has been NO FDA approval.  

      Many of you reading this are going to say, No - they just got their FDA approval. When the news broke 8/22/21, even Bagholder thought they got it. As it turns out, what the FDA approved was the biontech version of the vaccine, which is indeed an exact duplicate of the Pfizer vaccine.  The biontech version will not be available until 2023 at the earliest. In the meantime the status of the Pfizer vaccine is still “Experimental use authorization” only.  What this does is give pfizer the appearance of approval, while remaining under the legal umbrella of “experimental use authorization” which brings me to the next point:

6. The only immunity from this vaccine is the one Pfizer & Moderna are getting from Liability. 

    When a drug is in the “Experimental use authorization’  status, the drugmakers cannot be sued. Want to take the one where the peddler can be sued?  Well thats the biontech, and it won’t be available til 2023. In my world, if you can’t stand behind your product - you don’t get my business. If a company will not be responsible for their product, the circle of trust has been broken.

7. Consider the Resumes of Moderna & Pfizer 

    Know how Moderna got its name? It is a mixture of “modernize” and “Rna”. What is interesting about their resume, is they don’t have one. They have never brought a single drug to market of any kind. In fact, they have never brought a single product to market of any kind. Nothing. And yet, Moderna has the better of the two resumes. 

   Pfizers history is just one scandal after the next. Google “Bextra”, or  “pfizer defective heart valves”,  or “Rezulin”,  or celebrex,  or “pfizer price fixing antibiotics”. The List is endless. They are a criminal enterprise masquerading as a drug company. With their political reach and their resume, they make the mexican drug cartels look like a lemonade stand. 

  8.   These mRna vaccines are altering both the structure and function of your cells.  

     Care to guess what else modifies the structure and function of your cells.  CANCER. 

  9.  D-dimer test. 

        If you have received an mRna vaccine, your cells have been reprogrammed to produce Spike protiens, just like the ones found on the outside of the Coronavirus.  The theory is your immune system will recognize the newly produced proteins as foreign, and produce antibodies - so those antibodies will already be in your system should you contract Covid. The problem is these spike proteins are clogging the smallest blood vessels in the body - located in the ovaries, lungs, and heart. This is why the biggest side effect to date has been myocarditis (heart swelling).  Bagholder dares anyone who has gotten the jab to go to their doctor and demand a d-dimer test (intense magnification) of your blood. 

 10.  There will be a lot of people learning about ADE in the next couple years, most of them the hardway.  

      If you are on the fence about the jab - of the reasons listed here, this is the one most worth understanding. ADE is short for "antibody dependent enhancement". The jabs condition immune systems to recognize a particular spike protein found on the surface of the original virus. Our body has the ability to neutralize that version of the virus & prevent it from reproducing. So far, so good. 

     Problem is viruses mutate, constantly and without exception. So when a new variant comes along, and they will, the body often mistakenly sends out the antibodies to neutralize the original virus & not the new mutation. The new mutated virus is then allowed to replicate and invade cells free from attack - in some cases the antibodies even assist in the invasion of cells. By the time the immune system figures out the mistake, it will be too late. This is a simple explanation of ADE, it is actually far more complicated, so please do your own research. 

   Speaking as someone with an extensive science background, there is a good probability ADE will kill millions of vaxxers - dwarfing anything the virus has done. 

11. The overall death rate from the virus is minuscule. 

      There is no wisdom in taking a risk on an untested product, which does not stop infection or transmission, brought to market by arch-criminals, to fight a virus killing 1 healthy person in every 15,397 under age 65. 

12. People who are vaccinated are currently dying at 5 times the rate of the un-vaccinated.

       (link here)  This is not something made up, this is right from the UK government. Get used to it...once ADE kicks in, these numbers will get far worse. 

13. Conflict of interest. 

     Fauci owns patents on the Moderna vaccine.   The guy who is out there pushing the vaccines the hardest is making money on every Moderna Shot.  Go figure. Its not just Fauci either. Do you know which industry spends the most $$ advertising in a given year?  9 years running, its the pharmaceutical industry, and its not even close.  No wonder the media, who is paid thru advertising, is pushing this Covid narrative. 

14. The government gaming of numbers. 

      Why is the federal government paying hospitals $$ to report deaths as covid deaths? To inflate the number of course. Larger the number the more frightened the herd. 600,000 dead. Grossly exaggerated. If you dig down far enough on the CDC website you will find total deaths due to Covid Only, are less than 30,000 - far less than the vaccines have killed. 

15. Vaccine Deaths.  

        According to VAERS (part of the CDC) as of 8/15/21 there have been 10,833 deaths in the US reported attributable to the vaccines.  This study by Harvard estimates less than 1% of actual adverse events are reported to VAERS. Yes, under reported by 100x.  If the wicked smart pencil neck geeks at Harvard are to be believed,  then the vaccines have killed over a million people so far.  For arguments sake, lets assume the Harvard boys are off by an order of magnitude (10x) which is not likely, but lets go with it. Then the vaccines have still killed far more than the virus. Of course, the media will be quick to minimize these numbers and/or not report on them (just like they maximized the death numbers) so that their Pharmaceutical advertising gravy train continues. 

16. The math.


   There is a 99.36% likelihood of failure by either moderna or  pfizer vaccine - indispustable fact. Where is the mathematical sense in taking on all the long term  risk the vaccines have to offer, which are 99.36% likely to fail, just  to combat something 99.76% (CDC's number, not mine) will survive? 

17. The people who gain the most are the same people pushing the hardest. 


     Think about who benefits the most from the Vaccines. Of course the drug companies, who are billing governments all over the world Billion$. The media makes $$ charging the drug companies to advertise their products (as mentioned above the Pharmaceutical industry is the medias biggest client).  Governments everywhere are drunk on their new authoritarian powers. Shutting down businesses, locking people in their homes, making them wear dehumanizing muzzles, and forcing injections. 

18. The relentless 24/7 push to force "vaccinations" on everyone. 


      Life lesson here about force: if you have a good idea - people will do it willingly. Good ideas do not require force, ever. The only thing which requires force are bad ideas. The fact these “vaccines” require force, tells you all you need to know.

19. The censorship.  

       Why censor the debates over these vaccines. Why not allow public debates where scientists on BOTH sides discuss the merits of the vaccines. Why are regular people being flagged on facebook, just for mentioning the merits of Ivermectin. Why is anyone critical of the WHO or CDC so heavily censored and/or de-platformed? You want people to take the Vaccine,  allow open debate.

20. What does history teach us...


       Empires have come and gone for millennia. The one thing they all have in common, is their populations swell thru the proliferation of debt, when the debt can't be paid - population control measures ensue.  Its usually done thru killing off their own or starting wars they can't win. In the 20th century alone (not including war deaths), over 250 million people were killed by their OWN governments. Google: Holodomor, Khmer rouge, or Mao tse tung - just to name a few.   If you think that can't happen here, because government is some benevolent group looking out for your interests, you need to pick up some history books.

21. Show me the Science.  


     Bagholder has looked extensively, there is no scientific reason compelling enough to get the jab. The 52 page application to the FDA by Pfizer (link here) gives no information on efficacy regarding transmission, mortality, duration of protection. In what world can you have an application for drug approval & not have any of those things?  Insane.  The moderna application (link here) is even worse. It makes some claims  regarding those things, but again, no data to back it up. If you want Bagholder to take the Jab, Show me the science!!

Enough for today....

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