Thursday, August 12, 2021

To Jab, or not to Jab (part 1)


    When making big investment decisions, one of the most important factors is looking at who is on which side of the trade, also known as the structure - link here.  In many arenas, like the commodity markets - nothing else even matters. Bagholder, being the logical type, believes looking at structure when making life decisions - as opposed to just investment decisions - is a worthwhile pursuit. So, when considering

whether to Jab or not to Jab - bagholder has decided to delve deep into who in his life, is on which side.

   Lets start with the Medical community.  Bagholder personally knows 11  people with advanced degrees in medicine, 5 of them doctors - couple nurse practitioners, etc...  Of those, 7 of the 11 have been jabbed.  Admittedly, 11 is a small sample size - and thus its tough to draw any conclusions. But there is this: the medical community has been told since day one of their training, prescription drugs are the cure to what ails you. Think about it, cholesterol too high - take this drug, feeling depressed - take this drug, your kid to hyper - give them this drug, can't get hard - take this drug. So covid comes along, and 4 of  the 11 people trained to believe drugs are the answer have refused the Jab??  Go out and ask 11 Barbers if you need a haircut - Bagholder will kiss every cows ass in Texas if 4 or more say no.  So 7 out of 11 is a red flag for sure, even if the sample size is small.

   Why not consider something with a much larger sample size, like Political affiliation. Bagholder  listed 41 people he knows personally who voted democrat in the last election, all 41 of them have been jabbed. Of the 49 people he can list which voted Republican, only 5 have been jabbed.  Now we are getting somewhere. Again these might seem like too small of samples to consider, but the fact the percentages are so skewed relative to nationwide percentages makes them statistically relevant.  Bagholder was surprised to find the numbers skewed this way. After all it was Trump who got the Vaccines to market, it was Trump who allowed the drug companies to bring them to market without testing, why on earth would the Dems be rolling up their sleeves to take Trumps vaccine?

    To answer that question you must consider the attributes of both democrats and republicans. Democrats, as a group, tend to put their faith in Government. Republicans tend to be much more self reliant. Their faith is in themselves.  So it should be no surprise when Covid came along, democrats look outward at Government and have faith they will fix the problem. While republicans look inward and have faith their own immune system will handle the problem.  

  So what is somebody, like Bagholder, who is not affiliated with either the Democrats or Republicans supposed to do?  I guess you have to look at the track record of both sides.  Government has a track record of fucking everything up. Everything they have ever touched, has been made worse.  I cannot think of a single thing Government has made better, NOT ONE.  They are abject failures at everything. Contrast that with our immune systems. Human beings, as a species, have been on this planet for millions of years. Our immune systems have conquered every virus, bacteria, and disease ever known. Sure, individuals here & there have succumbed - but on the whole, human immune systems are so successful, the population on Earth today is hitting record highs.  

  With track records like those...Government who fails at everything - or an immune system which has conquered everything.... Is there really a choice? 

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