Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Love in Theory....... Hate in Practice



    One of the Seminal moments in political history came in the year 1875, In Germany of all places. A new political party was formed, called the social democratic party. It was known as the party of "Love". The way the party leaders saw it, Government was to be like a loving father who took care of his citizens. This is evidenced by the fact Germany was the first country on Earth whose Government provided universal Health Care for all. They were also the first country to have Social security payments to the elderly. Germany, and the party of Love quickly became the envy of Europe. They were far and away the most progressive and idealistic country in the world. 

   In theory their ideas sounded great, i mean who wouldn't want free health care, free checks in retirement, etc.  In practice, however - these ideas were terrible.  They promised something for nothing, and that is just not how the world works.  Somebody had to pay for these things Government was giving away.  How did the party of Love reconcile the books when this reality came a knocking?  Anyone who has lived on this planet long enough would tell you there is a very fine line between Love & Hate. The party of love balanced their books by crossing that line & becoming the party of Hate - also known as Nazis (see footnote 1). 

   It started small in the 1920's when Germany realized tending to Granny's medical needs & cutting her checks every month was an expensive proposition. Those in charge began to feel like things would be better for the country if Granny was not around.  So the party of Love, who invented free health care & Social security, came up with yet another first: Mercy killing.   They couldn't just call killing what it is, they had to put the word Mercy in front of it. This way the killing could be rationalized, as it was motivated by Love. As any objective historian would say though, you do not judge people based on their motivations,  you judge them on their deeds. 

   Once the Love/Hate (2) line was crossed - they were not going to stop with Granny. Why not kill the political leaders of the opposing party?  This could be done under the guise of "Unity", you know - for the greater good.  After the "night of the long knives"  eliminated the political oppositions leaders - it wasn't much of a stretch to start going after their followers.  At this point German citizens were required to carry PAPERS everywhere documenting who they were, so that those who opposed the party could be easily identified. 

 No papers??  Its going to be a long night for you. 

Then came the "Warsaw Ghetto" where Jewish people were LOCKED DOWN,  not permitted to travel,  couldn't work,  their businesses labeled as NON-ESSENTIAL. Jewish Books were CENSORED & burned, because the propaganda/public relations wing of the Government decided only ideas in line with their own should be heard. For those who do not like to dwell on the negative past, feel free to substitute the word Unvaxxed for Jewish in the last 2 sentences, and you can instantly be in 2021.

  Somehow, That party of Love stayed in power through 1945, killing about 50 million people in the process. The world was so horrified at what had happened, in 1947, we had the Nuremberg trials where it was decided no government could ever again inject experimental drugs into unwilling citizens.

 Or so we thought....

  Fast forward to today....We live in a world of Lockdowns, Censorship, Essential/non-essential businesses, and a Government demanding its citizenry be injected with experimental drugs. Instead of the Jews being persecuted, this time around its the Unvaxxed. The propaganda wing of the left - also known as the mainstream media - is doing everything they can to get the vaccination rate up to 100%.  Deserving or not, They blame the Unvaxxed for everything. It won't be much longer, the Unvaxxed will not be able to fly, hold a corporate or government job, go to a ballgame, or even buy groceries. In fact, the unvaxxed are already being kicked out of the military. 

   As a student of history, Bagholder always wondered what it would have been like to live in 1930's Germany, to see firsthand how the Party of Love went from the most idealistic & progressive country on Earth, to killing 50 million people. I used to wonder how it was possible.  But, i don't have to wonder anymore - I'm living it.  


(1)   Right about now, I can hear those on the Modern Left wing of politics denying the idea Nazis came from the political left. They are usually the first to claim Nazis came from the Conservative political right, but the truth is the Conservatives in 1930's Germany hated Hitler & tried to Kill him Multiple times. 

(2)   Its not just Nazis, History is littered with examples of people from the political left preaching love, togetherness, greater good, etc… Only to find that once they got some power, that Love turned to Hate & Violence. You want examples, ok

          - Consider the Bolsheviks, after winning the Russian revolution - they couldn’t agree on how to get things done, and immediately starting killing one another.

          - How about Jim Jones in the 70’s, preaching Love & togetherness - only to end in mass murder & suicide

          - Remember the flower children in the 60’s passing out flowers to random strangers on the 6:00 news? By the end of the decade, they were involved in car bombings & political assassinations (Robert Kennedy)

          - Bagholder could list a dozen more if you wanted, as far back as Jesus of Nazareth all the way through today’s administration - who 1 day after assuming power started bombing the poorest country on Earth, Somalia. 

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