First some indisputable facts both sides can agree on ...
1. The Virus is Real
2. The "vaccine" appears to help in combating the Virus should you get it, but is not without risk
3. Approximately 1.6% (1 in 60) of people who have tested positive with Covid have died (36mil US cases, 600k deaths - grossly exaggerated number, but lets use it)
4. There is risk present both in taking the Vaccine and NOT taking the Vaccine
5. According to the CDC 82% of the Deaths Have been in people over 65, and 95.2% of deaths have been people over 50
The real Question here is what are the risks, exactly ..... Lets consider the math first ....
In a country of 350 million people with 600k deaths, The overall chances of Death are 1 in 584.
There are roughly 54 million aged 65 and older in this country, Leaving 296 million under the age 65.
600k deaths x 82% Yields 492,000 deaths from over 65, leaving 108,000 deaths from the under 65.
Meaning if you are over 65, actual chances of death (492k out of 54 mil) are about 1 in 112
For people under 65, the same math (296 mil/108,000 deaths) yields a result of 1 in 2740.
For people under 50, the same math (236mil/29230 deaths) yields a result of 1 in 8073.
Now, couple those numbers with the March 19th study by the University of Chicago showing 82.2% of people testing positive for Covid are Vitamin D deficient, while 17.8% are not Vitamin D deficient.
People whose vitamin D levels are good & over 65, the odds of getting Covid AND dying from it can now be adjusted as follows: 112/.178 = 1 in 629
People whose vitamin D levels are good & under 65, the odds of getting Covid and dying from it can now be adjusted as follows: 2740/.178 = 1 in 15,397
People whose vitamin D levels are good & under 50, the odds of getting Covid and dying from it can now be adjusted as follows: 8073/.178 = 1 in 45,353
Fun fact for those in the under 65 group: You have a better chance of being struck by lightning (1 in 15,300 - google it) than dying from Covid.
For the record, Bagholder finds it despicable the World has been turned upside down for a Virus killing one healthy person in every 15,397 people under 65.
Even more reprehensible, is a country which injects its young with an experimental vaccine highly likely to fail.
And now lets consider some facts about the Vaccine .....
- No clinical trials
- No Double blind studies
- No phase 3 testing
-The mRna Vaccines are altering both the Structure (at the ACE 2 receptor) AND function (to start producing spike proteins) of every cell in your Body
- Another fun fact... Do you know what else alters the structure & function of your cells? I'll save you the trouble of research - the answer is Cancer
As if all that is not bad enough, there is this:
- According to VAERS (the vaccine adverse reaction office of the CDC) as of 7/16/21 there have been 9125 deaths in the US reported attributable to the VACCINE, and over 110,000 Reactions so severe they required Hospitalization. Unlike the 600k Covid deaths where hospitals were incentivized with cash payments to report, there is no cash payment for the 9125 Vaccine deaths. So it is safe to assume the 9125 deaths the CDC admits to, is LOW - but lets use it.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Just over 124 million Americans are now fully Vaccinated. If you divide 9125 by 124 million that gives you a Vaccine death rate of 1 in 13,589.
So in conclusion, The Virus is killing 1 in 45,353 people under age 50 who are not Vitamin D deficient - while the Vaccine is killing 1 in 13,589.
In Other words, without even considering the long term side effects .......
The VACCINE is 3.5x deadlier than the VIRUS.
Bagholder will take his chances with the Virus.
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