In the mid 1980’s a friend of mine approached me with the opportunity to parachute out of an airplane. Bagholder was in - all the way in! Since we were noobies, before jumping we were required to take a 4 hour class designed to help us out should something go wrong during the jump. One of the things they had us do was watch a 90 minute video of all the possible problems ranging from, a non opening chute, a tangled chute, a torn chute, a torn ripcord, a partially opened chute, etc…. The video was just one disaster after the next. After 90 minutes of that, about half of the people in my class got up, walked out, went to their cars, and drove away. Even Bagholder was having second thoughts.
So, i pulled the instructor aside and asked him
how long has he been doing this and how many jumps a year does his business over see. He told me 19 years and about 15,000 jumps per year...... Anyone ever die on a jump here? He said yeah, one...... What happened I asked? He responded "the Primary chute failed to deploy properly, and the individual then deployed her backup chute BEFORE jettisoning the primary chute (like she was instructed) - the 2 chutes got tangled, and you can guess the rest" ..... So, user error? Yep...... I only had one other question for him, and that was how often does the primary chute fail to deploy properly? He said in a normal year there are 5-10 such incidents (we log them all) - and with the exception of the incident above - the backup chute has always worked as intended.At this point, Bagholder looked at the math. 1 death in more than 250,000 jumps (and that was user error). Calculating further, with 15k jumps and 10 non functioning primary chutes per yr - the chances I draw the Wonka ticket and my primary chute does not open properly, was about 1 in 1500. The chances of drawing back to back Wonka tickets, and having both chutes fail would be calculated as 1 in (1500x1500) or about once every 2.2 million jumps. With numbers like that, Bagholder had no qualms at all about jumping out of the plane that day. The math was on my side.
The instructive thing to take from this story is not that parachuting is safe (it is). But rather, there are 2 types of people in this world. Those who are governed by their fears (like the people who walked out of the class that day), and those who are governed by reason, like Bagholder. When you are governed by fear, you are a caged prisoner of your own mind. Your choices are few, and your life becomes severely restricted. Sure, you can gild that cage with platitudes like “who would want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, anyway?” or “better safe than sorry” or “No need to take risks like that” etc… but at the end of the day, your fears are dictating your actions. Contrast this with the people for whom reason is their Governor. The world is their Oyster. They can live life to the fullest, experiencing everything they want - without worry. What a great way to go thru life.
Nowhere is the dichotomy between those with fear driving the bus, and those with reason in charge - more on display than with the choice to Jab, or not to Jab. Simply put, The decision to get the Jab has to be an emotional one made from a place of fear; because there is no logic, science, or math behind it. When it comes to people who are governed by their fears, there are certain traits they all possess. They have an irrational, never ending desire to CONTROL their surroundings, and the people in it. They feel if they can control their environment, and by extension the possible outcomes, their fears will hold no sway. Problem is, they are dealing with their fears by looking outward. Any psychologist worth their salt would tell you, fear can only be dealt with by looking inward - something those governed by fear will never do.
Think about the people in your own life who were among the first to roll up their sleeves for the experimental, non FDA approved, first of its kind, non tested, rushed to market, mRna vaccine. It was their existential fear of a virus with a 99.76% survival rate (CDC number - not mine) which made the decision for them. So roll up their sleeve they did. The chance to once again control their own life, be free of masks & lockdowns (so they were told), and not have to worry about the Virus (so they were told) - was just too big of a lure to pass up - gimme the jab - they said. Nowhere along the line did they look inward and think about facts like:
- Covid Survival rate of 99.76%
- the Jab is NOT approved by the FDA
- the Jab has not been clinically tested
- the Jab does NOT provide immunity
- First Jab ever with mRna technology
- mRna drugs haven’t even passed phase 2 trials on animals, because
the mRna vax keeps killing all the test animals
- In the event of long term damage by the jab, you cannot sue
- 92% of new drugs brought before the FDA are FAILURES
- 99.36% chance at least one of the (moderna or Pfizer) drugs will fail
These are all indisputable facts, and they are all red flags which should cause any reasonable individual to say no jab for me. And yet, in the face of all of this, about 50% of the US is now fully vaxxed. Going forward, you can expect Gman to tap the emotions of the vaxxed in an effort to intensify the pressure on the unvaxxed. Since we already know the vaxxed are slaves to their emotion, this will be easy for THE POWERS THAT BE. They will paint the Unvaxxed as a menace to society and the cause of all that is wrong ... ad nauseum ... over the coming months. Not much different than early 1930's Germany where Jews were painted as a menace to society. The vaxxed will be conditioned to hate the unvaxxed, as Gman & the media work together to further divide this country.
Bagholder has no doubt the Vaxxed will swallow the narrative the Unvaxxed are a menace, hook-line-and sinker. Why wouldn’t they buy it?? They bought 15 days to flatten the curve (it didn’t help). Then they bought masks and social distancing will beat Covid (it didn’t help). Then they bought 30 day lockdowns (it didn’t help). Then they bought an untested, experimental vaccine was going to keep them safe from Covid (it didn’t help). Now they are buying boosters as a panacea (news flash, it won’t help). Bagholder wonders when the vaxxed are going to realize Government is playing Lucy, while the vaxxed are just Charlie Browns trying to kick a football.
I have no doubt the Vaxxed feel self-righteous about their choice even though the fact is for healthy people under 65 the vaccine is 3.5x deadlier than the virus. Not just because their decisions are emotional ones made from fear, but also because It affords them the opportunity to direct their destructive emotions (primarily hate) towards the Unvaxxed. They will see them as domestic terrorists, the worst of the worst. The vaxxed can feel pious, holier than thou - all the while comfortably ensconced within the safety of the herd, and seemingly in control of their fears. The idea anyone would stand apart from the herd, not believe everything they are told, and make decisions based on logic - is completely heretical to them. To the fearful, trading away freedoms for the illusion of safety, the chance to direct their hate at heretics, and all the while feel superior, is like sliding into a comfortable pair of old slippers. They just can't resist.
What took Bagholder 1000+ words to say today, one of Bagholders favorite Characters ever, the Hound said in 6……
Safety, where the fuck is that?
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