Friday, August 13, 2021

To Jab, or not to Jab (part 2)

   Since we discovered in part one - link here - the decision to vax is largely tied to political affiliation, Bagholder thought today he would vet the arguments of the pro vaccine side.  At one point or another, Bagholder reached out (some verbally - some in writing) to every one of the 41 people he could list which voted Democrat in the last election AND chose to get the Jab. In no uncertain terms I asked WHY they did it & to please help me understand

what led to their decision.  Many ignored my requests. I suspect it was because the question pinged their cognitive dissonance, but that hardly matters.  Lets instead focus on the ones who were kind enough to answer. What follows today is their responses - several of which I got multiple times.

  1. I feel its my civic duty
  2. 600,000 dead, Duh!
  3. The FDA approved them
  4. Because I care about other people, and I do not want to infect them
  5. Fauci says ….
  6. Odds are the jab will help
  7. I believe it will work
  8. I’m going to do whatever I can to lower my chances of getting Covid   

   Lets start with “I feel its my civic duty”.   “I feel….”   What an interesting choice of words.   The reason they chose to start the sentence with I feel, is because their decision was rooted in Emotion. Bagholder would argue had there been any logic involved in their decision to get jabbed, that sentence would be “I Think its my civic duty”.   Starting sentences with “I feel”  has the psychological effect of distancing oneself from things like reason & logic. You want to make good decisions in life, make sure they are grounded in reason & logic - Not emotion.  Don’t get me wrong, there is a time, and a place for emotion…Life & death decisions are neither the time, nor the place.

   600,000 dead, Duh!   Another emotional plea.  The argument of 600k dead is some of the most perverse logic Bagholder has ever heard. There is a huge difference between 600k dead WITH Covid and the number of dead FROM Covid, which according to the CDC is under 20,000.  Bagholder is certain over 3.5 million US citizens exhibiting varying levels of Tooth decay died last year.  Perhaps Gman should go door to door yanking out everyones teeth, so we don’t have another 3.5 million dead this year FROM tooth decay (or is it WITH tooth decay, guess it depends on whether you believe there are 600k dead from Covid).  It is absolutely staggering to me, the sheer number of folks who cannot distinguish the difference between a couple of 1 syllable words like With & From. Then again, they were educated in Government run schools - so maybe it shouldn’t be a surprise. 

   “The FDA approved them”  Uh, no they did not. They cleared them for emergency use only.  Which means they believe it may help, and so have allowed it.  The FDA will only “approve” drugs once they have been rigorously tested. These drugs have not been tested, they are experimental. Much like the example above where people cannot distinguish between with & from, we have a case where people do not get the distinction between cleared & approved. Bagholder believes many folks will learn this distinction the hard way when the long term side effects of the jab start making themselves known. When that time comes, believe me, our leaders in Government will be the first to say “these vaccines were never FDA approved”  

    “Because I care about others, and don’t want to infect them”   Admittedly, there is a hint of nobility in this one. Thinking about others before yourself, I can see it.  My question is:  who exactly are you saving, and at what cost?  This virus is killing the elderly, those with co-morbidities, and the vitamin deficient. If you are under 65, and not Vitamin deficient you are more likely to be hit by a bolt of lightning than die from Covid - For those who think that is exaggeration, click here.   OH Bagholder, don’t you care about Granny??  Another emotional plea, but allow me to retort.  Where exactly is the Morality in (potentially) sacrificing the young and the healthy by injecting them with experimental drugs (with a failure rate north of 99% - see below) in order to possibly buy granny a few more years?  If this is not the absolute apex of immorality, i don’t know what is. 

  “Fauci says …”  These people are my favorite.  They can’t think for themselves, so they put their faith in a Career Government apparatchik held over from the Trump administration. Wow - just fcking wow.. You can point out to them things like Fauci said masks won’t help, then he said they would help, then he said you should wear multiple masks. Well, which is it?  Or you can point out how both he and Biden said the “Covid Vaccines are Safe and effective”.  There is, literally, 4 lies packed into that 6 word sentence - proof here.  There are 2 kinds of people in this world, those who can think for themselves - and those who allow others to do it for them.  If you are the latter, please understand it is only a matter of time until Darwin comes a calling for you & yours.   

   “Odds are the jab will help”    What odds are those?  I’ve said this before, but it obviously need repeating.   The FDA gets 100's of applications every year from drug companies seeking approval for new drugs. Less than 8% are approved.  Meaning 92% of the time, their concoctions fail to work.  So you have 2 new drugs (Moderna & Pfizer) brought to market without testing from companies who fail 92% of the time. Would you get on a plane which crashed 92% of the time? No, of course not.  What if I Told you with 99.36% certainty at least one of either the Moderna drug or the Pfizer drug will be an abject failure - would you still take it? For the record,  I did not pull the 99.36% failure rate out of my ass, here is the math (((100- (.08x.08))=99.36).  Still think the odds are in your favor with a failure rate like that?   Bagholder is aware math is a complex subject for many of you, but there is simply NO world where taking the Vaccines is a mathematically viable option. 

   “I believe it will work”  Here is the thing about belief, it requires no proof. You hear it all the time, for example “I believe in God”.  Ok, do you have any proof? Of course they don’t….because its just a belief. There is a sharp distinction between belief, and knowing.  They are not the same. I know 1 + 1 = 2. Its provable.  Beliefs, on the other hand, are rooted in emotion - not provable.  Beliefs have no basis in fact. For example, I hear all the time “I believe we should have universal health care in this country.  Never once have I heard, “I know we should have universal health care in this country”  The people who know (and can afford it) like europeans or canadiens who live where they have universal health care, come to the US for their health care, because they know its better. So you “believe” the Jab will work, come back to me when you “know” and have proof. I would love to hear it. 

   “I am going to do whatever I can to lower my chances of getting Covid”  If that is your goal, best to pass on the Vaccine. The Ceo of Pfizer has said quote “our vaccine has proven to be 84% effective” in preventing infection with Covid - link here.  This means 16% of you who get the Jab will also get Covid.  Now lets consider the Unvaxxed. There are 36 million Covid cases  here in the USA, which has a population of roughly 360 million. That is about a 10% infection rate. When you consider that some of those 10% are Vaxxed - according to the CEO of Pfizer - the infection rate among the unvaxxed is something less than 10%.    So, your choices are to remain Jab free  and accept something LESS than 10% rate of infection…..Or get the Jab and accept a 16% rate of infection.   Geee, let me think ….

    At the end of the day, every one of these “rationalizations” by people who have taken the Jab are just that, rationalizations. They are ALL rooted in emotion, without exception. Bagholder is not adverse to getting the Jab, provided there is somebody out there who can provide proof it works, and causes no long term damage. The emotional pleas just won’t cut it.  Bagholder needs proof.  Until the day comes when that proof is apparent…..Bagholder is all Ears. Im waiting......Still waiting.....


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