Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Learn from History ..... Or be Doomed to repeat it


   In the 1960's, Pharmaceutical companies were permitted to bring drugs to market without much, if any testing.  So when pregnant women suffering from morning sickness were looking for relief, the drug companies were happy to provide a drug called Thalidomide.  The drug was very effective in stopping morning sickness....the problem however was in the side effects.  Babies born to women taking Thalidomide while pregnant showed a 12 fold increase in birth defects.  Not only were the side effects horrific, but it took almost a decade for the scientific community to figure out the 12x increase in birth defects was caused by thalidomide.

   One of the interesting lessons from the Thalidomide debacle was how the connection between the drug & side effects was established. There was a group of women who chose not to take the drug creating what scientists call "the control group".   After a decade, there were enough births (data) for doctors to compare births from those on the drug, to those not on the drug (the control group).  Once the sample size was large enough, it was obvious when comparing the 2 groups - Thalidomide was causing the defects. 

    Enter the federal Government.  Shortly after this debacle, the FDA was given some teeth. They mandated 2 things...  First, does the drug work (efficacy). Secondly, what are the potential risks (side effects). Ever since, drug companies have been required to show a drug works - first in a Lab (phase 1), secondly in animals (phase 2) , and finally in clinical trials with Humans (phase 3) - before they are permitted to sell the drug on the open market. In addition they are required to disclose all side effects; which is why every drug commercial ends with a long list of potential maladies.  All  this thorough testing  seems very reasonable to Bagholder,  as we do not want to end up with more Thalidomides. 

   In the mid 1970's, just a few years after they empowered FDA and fresh off the Thalidomide disaster, the USA gets hit with an epidemic of Swine flu. So how does Government respond? Under emergency use authorization, they allow drug companies to create and market  a vaccine in only months without clinical testing or FDA approval. Sound familiar? As it turned out the vaccine was killing & maiming far more people than the Flu - and so the vaccine was pulled from the market in only months, an abject failure.  

   Fast forward to 2020 - the year of Covid.  Does government learn from their past mistakes? Of course not. Government, in its infinite wisdom, arbitrarily decides to suspend what has worked for  nearly 50 years, and once again, allow drug companies to sell their experimental mRna "vaccines" without testing and without FDA approval. Obviously they do not learn from history.

      Speaking of FDA approval, drug companies only get approval on about 8% of the drugs they take to the FDA. Meaning 92% of the time, their concoctions fail to work.  So you have 2 drugs (Moderna & Pfizer) brought to market without testing from companies who fail 92% of the time.   If history is any guide,  for you glass half full types, there is a 14.72% chance ONE of the 2 drugs will work  ((100 - {(.92x .92) + (.08 x .08)}) = 14.72) . For the realists among you, there is a 99.36% probability at least ONE of them will fail ((100 - 100(.08x.08))=99.36) . 

 Yes, you read that correctly - 99.36% probability one of them will FAIL. 

  I can hear the whining now....Oh Bagholder ....you do not know what you are talking about!  Thing is though, Math is very unforgiving, because it cannot be argued - and if there is one thing Bagholder understands - its math. 

   The part Bagholder is struggling with is why the incessant push for a 100% vaccination rate?   The news cycle is 24/7 - get the vaccine!!  I've seen them use fear as a motivator - get the vaccine before the virus get you.  I've seen them use flattery - get the vaccine, its the smart move.  I've seen them use bribery - get the vaccine, and you can get a free side of fries. I've seen threats - get the vaccine or you are out of a job.  I've seen mandates, get the vaccine - or you are out of the military. What I haven't seen from TPTB is the Math, because its just not on their side. The question remains, why the push for 100% vaccination.  

And then it hit me....

   With a 100% vaccination rate, there is no "control group".   When the long term side effects of the Vaccines start showing up -  There will be no control group to which we can compare results, and thus no way to establish a connection between the Vaccine & side effects.  So a couple years from now when sterility rates soar, or cancer rates skyrocket  - or whatever the side effects may be - they can then be conveniently blamed on some new Virus.  Gman & the drug companies will then step in with another new drug to solve the problem their covid vaccine created.  Bagholder strongly suspects TPTB know there are long term issues with the Vaccines. As such, the relentless push for 100% is to cover up their tracks, and hide a Crime in progress. 

  Just remember, you are not ANTI-VAX ....you are just part of the CONTROL GROUP.

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