Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 4th Pop quiz....Real money at stake!

  One Genuine US Silver dollar fedexed to the first person who correctly posts answers to all ten questions in the comment section below, Sorry guys - no phone calls or emails will be eligible this time

1.  I financed the purchase of 5000 defective rifles off the North during the civil war for $3.50 each - then sold the whole lot to the south at $22 bucks each - the same day. Who am I
A. Mark Twain
B. General W. T. Sherman
C. J. P. Morgan

2. If you save $300 per month and get a return of 1% per month on that savings you will be worth a million dollars in
A. 25.5 yrs
B. 30.5 years
C. 36.5 years

3.  Standing on the moon, if you dropped ping pong ball & bowling ball from 5 feet
A. Bowling ball hits first
B. They hit same time
C. They float

4. According to Forbes most recent Billionaires list The "top ten" richest consist of
A. 5 w/just HS diploma, 4 US college dropouts, 1 US college Graduate
B. 2 w/HS diploma, 1 US College dropout, 7 US College Graduates
C. 1 w/HS diploma, 3 US College dropout, 6 US College Graduates

5. Baum's Wonderful Wizard of Oz is
A. True story
B. Childrens tale about Good vs. Evil where the protagonist wore ruby red slippers
C. Allegory about the dominant theme in1890's politics, namely the gold standard

6. At current market values (liquidation price), which of these could be traded for the most Gold
A. Duffle bag w/ 100 pounds of twenty dollar bills
B. Metric Ton of Silver
C. A ten carat flawless (best color) round cut diamond

7. If you took every man, woman & child on the face of the earth and lined them up in rows three feet between each person, it would take an area roughly the size of
A. Texas
B. Lake michigan
C. Delaware

8. The United states as it runs today  most closely resembles
A. Socialist democracy
B. Fascist cronyism
C. Communist dictatorship

9. Which of these  literary greats wrote a psychological drama about an individual who killed his pawnbroker?
A. Orwell
B. Rand
C. Dostoevsky

10. The  COT reports on Gold & Silver are invaluable as
A. They signal turning points in price
B. They provide the structure of the market
C. They are a leading indicator


  1. C-B-A-C-C-B-A-B-C-C



  2. Sorry Player - we don't pay for D's around here - you are 6 of 10 - try again tomorrow :)

  3. C-A-A-A-C-B-B-B-C-A. Lord Vader

  4. Sorry my lord. 7 out of ten; you got :)

  5. the force is strong with this one -- my friend:
    C-C-B-A-C-B-C-B-C-A. LV

  6. Only a sith lord deals in absolutes.... you changed 3; i see. Right; two of them were. Now 6 of 10 you are......

  7. My absolute is that you are always going to be my best friend: from kids to now. LV

  8. 1.C
    2. C

    I'd rather go to the cinema, than stay home and have an enema.

  9. C-A-A-A-C-C-C-B-C-A



  10. Nice work Player, 9 of 10 - correct the one you missed & the cash is yours

  11. C-A-A-A-C-C-C-B-C-B. The article about Moe and his friends was telling. Lord Vader.
