Thursday, September 15, 2011

Other than Ron Paul....

When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads.
Ron Paul 

Other than Ron Paul, there isn't one candidate in the field who would change the imperialistic ways of the USA. He is the only candidate who has correctly identified the root cause of 9/11 as being our military presence in too many places where it does not belong. It seems anymore, our nations natural state, is to be at war. We are in 3 now, that we know of - all with no end in sight. You don't see terrorists flying planes into Chinese buildings, or Australian buildings, or Canadian buildings. Its because those countries aren't imposing their way of life on others thru military force. Anyone who is intellectually honest would agree. The fact none of the other candidates in the race would dare admit our imperialistic ways are the root cause of 9/11, speaks volumes about how beholden the others are to the military-industrial complex which controls this country today. 

Other than Ron Paul, there isn't one candidate in the field who is a believer in the "Austrian school of economics". The other candidates as well as the people who run this country today are all Keynesians. They all see our economy thru the Keynes model, which means they do not possess the requisite intellectual understanding necessary to grow our economy.  They are simply not free market people. They are all about government control rather than allow the guiding hand of the free market to dictate progress. Its bad enough Government is this nations largest employer, but those government jobs pay on average 40% more than their private sector equivalent. Is it any wonder the economy blows?

Other than Ron Paul, there isn't one candidate in the field who correctly understands the root cause of our economic malaise is the absence of sound money.  The system we have now is completely corrupted. Allowing the FED the power to just create more money as needed, means more will always be needed, and thus more will be created. Its just human nature. Creating more $$ devalues the existing $$. This is why a Mcdonalds cup of coffee which cost 20 cents in the seventies cost $2.00 today. Its the very same reason Gold will continue to outperform every other asset class on the planet for at least the next decade. Ron Paul understands this, and has for years. Look at his portfolio, looks just like Bagholders.  

Other than Ron Paul, there isn't one candidate in the field who would end the drug war (with legalization & regulation). The other candidates all are believers in the current system of throwing billions of $$ at the problem in the form of police, prosecutors, judges, and of course, prisons. There is a large constituency of people who have a stake in growing the drug war.  They all (except Paul) feed at this trough, even though intellectually, morally and philosophically, ending the drug war is the right thing to do. Then again, unless you are Ron Paul, right never enters the equation. The others are all obligated to the powers which got them where they are today. That is why they all take the intellectually disingenuous position of growing the drug war. 

Other than Ron Paul, there isn't one candidate in the field who would significantly shrink the size & scope of Gman. He is intent on dismantling the powers of the federal government and transferring that power to states and individuals. He is a champion of states rights & individual liberty; while the others are all champions of more government. Oh sure, they will all cut in various areas - but on the whole - Paul is the only one who would dare shrink the size of Government like is commensurate with the problem. Government is a natural inhibitor to economic growth. You want widespread poverty, growing unemployment, falling wages, and rising prices - then grow government. Shrink government, and those things go away. Reagan understood it, Paul seems to be the only one in this years crop who gets it. 

Other than Ron Paul, there isn't one candidate in the field who would actually bring change to Washington. The other candidates are all slaves to the current system of expanding government. The idea that there is any significant difference between Democrat &  Republican is absurd. Sure, there is a difference where each side directs the government cash machine; but the bottom line is both sides (R & D) grow government in scope and size.. This is what distinguishes Ron Paul from all the others. Paul is intent on shrinking government on a scale not seen (or dreamt of) in our life.  The powers that be in this country do not want his election. This is why he gets almost no attention in the national media. The attention he does get usually has the MSM labeling him a lunatic. That fact there, is reason enough to learn about the guy. 

Come to think of it, other than Ron Paul, there isn't one candidate in the field worth endorsing. 

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