Friday, August 20, 2021

Outsourcing Tyranny


  The first amendment in the constitution is a remarkable provision which has for over 200 years granted us the freedom to speak our minds.  It states:

      Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.

      Meaning, we all have the right to say whatever we want, no matter how hateful, ridiculous, or outright stupid our views may be. There is a reason this was the first amendment.  Our forefathers realized the importance of being able to call out the prevailing political leadership on their misdeeds.  Speaking out against the leadership (and their choices) is a means of checking the power of those in charge.  Its why despots all throughout history, upon assuming power, immediately

squelch dissenting voices.  One of the reasons the USA has prospered for centuries is, thanks to the first amendment, our leaders have not had the means to squelch dissenting voices.

 Until now.

    Since the political leadership can make no laws abridging the freedom of speech, they have found a work-around. Enter Corporate America.  While its true government can’t control speech, corporations can - and they do.  There was a time, not too long ago where media companies used their influence to check the power of our leaders, think Watergate et al.  It is a stark illustration of just how far this country has fallen, these very same companies now do the bidding of our leaders.  Matters not if you watch Cnn, Msnbc, Cbs, Fox - or whatever - the news you get will fit a tightly controlled narrative  scripted by our rulers. 

    Investigative journalists? They don’t exist anymore. If they did, Ivermectin would be available to anyone who wanted it.  And with that,  covid, masks, lockdowns, travel restrictions, and vaccines would all be a thing of the past.  Our leaders don’t want that.  Covid has allowed them control over peoples lives that would make George Orwell blush. We are at a point today, where you cannot even mention Ivermectin on Twitter, you will be banned. Mention it on Youtube, you will be demonetized and/or de-platformed.  Mentioning the benefits of Ivermectin on Facebook will get your account flagged. Think I’m kidding? Try it. 

    I’m not so sure these corporations, even if they wanted to, could allow viewpoints counter to the Narrative Gman wants out there. While its the corporations controlling speech, its the Government controlling the corporations. Meaning, for all practical purposes,  Government can therefore, control speech. Anyone who is naive enough to think Gman doesn’t control these corporations, has never owned a Business.  As a business owner or corporation for that matter, Gman walks through your door -  you do exactly what they want. If you don’t there will be an army of lawyers and regulators giving you rectal exams until you submit, or are out of business. 

  In effect, Gman has outsourced tyranny to the corporations.  Its not just free speech either.  Don't want to get the jab?  Well then, maybe we will just take away your livelihood. Corporate America is slowly but surely ridding themselves of any employees who refuse to roll up their sleeve.  United airlines, Amazon, Walmart, have all issued ultimatums - and they are just the tip of the iceberg.  Do what we tell you, or you and yours will be crushed. 

 Textbook tyranny. 

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