There are none so blind, as those who will not see
You would think an actual Blind person would see less than someone who can see, but chooses not to. The reality of it though, is while the blind person sees nothing; the person who can see - but refuses - sees less than nothing. They only see the bad information already in their head. Given the choice between no information (the blind) and bad information (those who can see, but refuse), Bagholder would prefer no information. Hence the expression, "there are none so blind, as those who will not see."
At the root level, this expression speaks to the virtues of being open minded. Psychologists would say when a mind is closed to new information it is usually due to holding a belief that runs counter to what new information is saying. The Psychological term for this is cognitive dissonance. Simply put, there is a gap between what is believed, and reality. When this occurs, there are
several psychological defense mechanisms the psyche will deploy to bridge that gap, and prevent ever having to re-examine and/or alter their own beliefs. They are displacement, denial, and rationalization.Displacement, aka "shoot the messenger". The natural reaction of many people upon receiving information counter to their beliefs is to aim the subsequent anger & frustration generated by the actual message (because it pings their cognitive dissonance), directly at the messenger. The triggered (and often violent) attack on the messenger is an emotional one, not at all grounded in reason. The shoot the messenger types subconsciously believe by redirecting attention towards the merit of the messenger, no time will be spent scrutinizing the actual message.
Denial is probably the most common of the defense mechanisms. Once again, When an individual is presented with evidence running counter to their beliefs, people in denial will strongly deny the facts, as presented, are true. They will ignore, dismiss, minimize, obscure, and repress the facts presented, so as to not have to actually face them. Acknowledging those facts as true is just too painful, as it would demand an inward looking self examination; far too much for the psychologically fragile to handle.
Rationalization .... These folks are quick to point to alternative, often obtuse, facts which support their beliefs, all the while giving no weight to the newly presented facts. This allows the individual to never have to acknowledge the root issues at hand. For example, you show up to work late and your boss asks why. You respond with "traffic was bad". While that fact is true, it does not address how you were out late last night at the bar, got drunk & overslept. Deep down at a fundamental level, these folks believe if they can make their own facts the issue, their beliefs will never be questioned.
These 3 defense mechanisms (denial, displacement, and rationalization) run rampant in the close minded. All 3 of these allow for the avoidance of the extremely painful process of re-examining their own beliefs. Why is that process so painful? Because it often requires admitting a mistake, which most people can't do. It might also mean changing beliefs & subsequent behavior, which is something else people struggle with, as it is human nature to resist change.
Admitting mistakes and changing beliefs are psychologically painful processes indeed. But even more difficult for the close minded is the fact examining beliefs requires looking inward & being true to yourself. Contextually, this makes perfect sense, as most pro-vax people are on the left, while most anti-vax people are on the right. The left is always looking outward, usually at government, to solve their problems. Looking inward, is absolutely terrifying to those on the left, which is why most of them are condemned to a life of perpetual angst. Critical self examination, is just a bridge too far.
There is no better example of both cognitive dissonance and the above listed defense mechanisms on display, than with the pro-vax crowd. The reality is Covid is not a threat for healthy people under 65, as it is killing 1 person in every 15,400. Meanwhile, the perception by the vaxxed is the disease is a deadly threat. Notice the gap (cognitive dissonance) between reality and their beliefs.
You can counter the perception of the vaxxed with a fact like they have a better chance of being struck by lightning, than dying of covid. You will hear things like "you don't know what you are talking about" (Displacement), "Thats not true" (Denial), and "No way, emergency rooms are flooded" (Rationalization).
What the vaxxed won't do, even though its a mathematical fact, is acknowledge Lightning is the bigger threat. If they acknowledge that fact, they would have only two choices. Recognize their beliefs regarding Covid need to be changed, or start wearing a Michelin man suit every time they leave the house.
Consider the realities with regard to the vaccine itself. The reality is the moderna & pfizer shots are experimental, not tested, and in fact are not, by definition, vaccines as they confer no immunity. As of mid July, the CDC has acknowledged there have been 110,000 negative reactions to the vaccines here in the US which were so severe, they required hospitalization. And yet the perception of the vaxxed is ... the vaccines are safe and effective. Again notice the cognitive dissonance... the gap between reality and their perception is unmistakable.
Countering this safe & effective vaccine perception with an indisputable historical fact like, there is a 99.36% probability at least one of the 2 vaccines will fail & an 85% probability they both fail. You will hear things like 'I don't know where you get your numbers" (Displacement), and "So there is a chance they will work" (Denial), and "that is conspiracy theory nonsense, the truth is ..." (Rationalization).
What the Vaxxed won't do is acknowledge the 110,000 hospitalizations, or the overwhelming probability these vaccines are abject failures. If they did acknowledge it, there is no tenable way of justifying their decision to get vaxxed. Not only would they have to admit a mistake, but changing their beliefs would require the intestinal fortitude to move opposite the herd. Another bridge too far.
When it comes to the vaxxed, it is highly likely the defense mechanisms will carry the day. The vaxxed are simply not equipped psychologically to recognize the gap between their beliefs and reality. The cognitive dissonance is staggering. Their psyche (ego) just will not allow reality in. You can bludgeon them over the head, repeatedly, with indisputable facts, and it just - won't - matter.
King James may have said it best:
"Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not"
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