Thursday, May 26, 2011

Empires Come, Empires Go


  When they crash, they crash hard. There can be little doubt - USA qualifies as an empire. The real question is - has it peaked - or are its best days ahead? The signs - if you care to look at them are everywhere. In fact, if you were Roman - you might say the "barbarians are at the gate".  Lets check the signs…..  

 Government promised bread and circus for the masses - check. As empire grows - so does the size & scope of Gman. We are at a point now where those working in the private sector  are outnumbered by those receiving a check from Gman. This is simply not sustainable as you cannot expect this problem to get better when the majority can just vote themselves a check.  In order to fund their profligate ways as well as excersise dominion over its people, Empires in decay have always turned to

 High taxes - check.
      Sales tax, property tax, estate tax, fica tax, excise tax, import tax, state tax, city tax, income tax, cap gains tax, unemployment tax, medicare tax, corporate tax, county tax, yada yada yada....Truth of the matter is all the taxes in the world would not provide enough money to meet Empire's needs. Our leaders know this. They use the tax code as a means to control behavior of the masses - not raise revenue.  If they wanted to raise more revenue, they would just:

Devalue the unit of currency - check.
   In the old days of Empire, the rulers would just clip metal off the edges of existing coins, melt the clippings down & mint more coins. No need to go thru that hassle any more, now we just print more paper. This has the effect of "devaluing" every existing unit of currency. This is why a cup of coffee that cost a nickel in 1930, cost two dollars today. Our finances are so bad in this country, our leaders are forced to print extra units of currency at an ever accelerating rate. This behavior will eventually lead to a collapse in the value of the dollar which will begin with a:

Rising Gold price - check.
This is the proverbial canary in the coal mine. A rising gold price indicates more and more people have become worried about the purchasing power of the dollar, so they have begun putting that money into Gold - as Gold has always (unlike ALL paper currencies) retained its purchasing power. In essence, Gold competes with the Gmans beloved dollar as a store of value. We all know how much the Gman - or any monopoly  really - hates competition.  Which brings us back to the canary. If Gman CANNOT stop the rising gold price, and you know they are trying, then the exit from dollars - and the imminent collapse of their value, has begun. Empire will not go down without a fight though, that is why Empire always has an:  

 Oversized military - check.  
    Most of the spoils of empire are obtained by, or maintained with the threat of military force.  Of course its no coincidence good ole USA has the worlds largest military, by an order of magnitude.  Do you really think  countries around the world would willingly give us their goods and labor in exchange for our printed paper if we didn't have the military we do?  Yeah, sure..... History, if you care to learn from it,  shows the way to defeat a bigger military is by spreading them out  with

Costly Peripheral wars - check.
    Maintaing a military large enough to keep your subjects in line and further Empire's imperialist ways is very pricey.  Consider the USA has more bases in more countries than they have states in the union. As for wars you have Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya - and those are just the ones they tell us about.  You are kidding yourself if you think if you think those are the only three. Our leaders are con artists who are experts at telling voters what they want to hear, which usually has nothing to do with the actual truth. In short we have a:

Corrupt political system - check
    The two party system is just for show. Truth is R or D makes no difference.  Both sides want more Government no matter the issue. Both sides spend more than we take in. Both sides are in bed with the suits on wall street. Both sides exhibit imperialist ways. Both sides are far more interested in re-election than the needs of the country. They are all (as MC would say) part of the same hypocrisy.  The system itself is broken. Instead of being lead by our best & brightest people - we are lead by our best and brightest con artists. It's not just the politicians either, our entire nation is in complete:

Moral decay - check.
   Have you listened to your kids music lately?  Have you seen the divorce rate?  Or the teen pregnancy rate?  Or the school dropout rate? Or the prison population? These are all just symptoms of a far bigger problem. The end of empire is near. Those within the Empire are doing everything possible (including unscrupulous behavior) to retain the last remnants of such. Can't blame them really - its just human nature - oh, and the end of empire.    

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