Saturday, May 28, 2011

Handicapping the GOP Field....

Pawlenty - If I didn't see an R after his name every time he is on TV - I would swear he was a democrat. He has a government solution to everything & yet he is going to balance the budget. Sure. Arguably the least qualified of the candidates. No match for Obama - because most of the people who Pawlenty (and his government solutions) appeals to - will vote Democratic.  8-1

Romney - Morning line favorite. The obvious choice of the establishment. As republicans go, he says all the right things. Good credentials. Problem I have with him is every time I look at him I see the prototypical politician. Quick, name 5 adjectives that best describe your average career politician. My list  would read duplicitous, smarmy, verbose, condescending, and dubious. This guy has them all - in Spades. He may well get the nomination, but little chance against Obama.   8-5

Cain - Dynamic speaker - hands down the best Orator of this group. Pragmatic & Charismatic. There is nothing about this guy that says politician. His Candor is refreshing. Like Paul, he is genuine. As such,  Another outsider with little chance to get the nomination - yet would probably carry 40 states against Obama. 6-1

Gingrich - I would pay a lot of dollars to watch him debate Obama - what a fish & goose soiree that would be. He makes no pretense at politeness or bipartisanship - to me this makes him believable & persuasive. Genius IQ - though seemingly without the scruples to manage it. Probably too polarizing to beat Obama - which is why if he gets any traction early - the MSM may help him get the nomination.    4-1

Huntsman - Why anyone even takes this guy seriously is beyond me. I really think he gets run in the media because they would love to see him get the nomination. He would have little chance against his former boss, the Big O. 30-1

Bachman - No doubt in my mind, she has the biggest pair of testicles in the field. Principled and seemingly uncorrupted thus far by Washington.  Inexperienced  - but to the tea party this is a plus. Unlike Palin though, she does not connect with ordinary people.  Another outsider with little chance of getting the nomination - but would do well in the general election. She has gotten as far as she has, because her enemies under-estimate her - that only gets you so far. 4-1

Paul - The only candidate from either party whose platform (if implemented) would actually improve the country.  The most philosophically consistent and thus the most genuine candidate. He is also the wisest of the field - by miles. . He would beat Obama easily in a General election - but has no chance to get the nomination - because he is intent  on dismantling the system. In essence, he skewers too many sacred cows. 99-1

Palin - This is the candidate the liberal establishment fears the most as she would easily beat Obama in the general election. While the press would have you believe her "negatives" are too high for her to be electable - don't be fooled. They are high because she can win - and the other side knows it - hence the fear. She is much more savvy than people give her credit for. She connects with ordinary people in a manner most politicians would cut off their own finger to be able to do. Lets not forget, Most males would vote for her just for 4 years worth of visions of breaking their genitalia off in - well you get the idea.  That appeal - makes her electable - period. 5-2

My personal choice would be Paul. But I am a realist - So I would be happy with  Cain, Palin, or Bachman. Gingrich would be the most entertaining by far. The rest are also rans. 

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