Friday, June 3, 2011

Dr. Jack - truly a man ahead of his time .....

 The passing of Dr. Jack Kevorkian is sure to fill more than a few seconds of the nightly news. While many knew him as Dr.Death - his MSM pseudonym - nothing could be further from the truth. Many would have you believe he was a crusader for physician assisted suicides. While there is some truth to that, his life and what he stould for are far more important than euthanasia. He was on the front lines of a much bigger war; namely personal freedom vs government control. The real issue at stake is whether we as individuals have the right to do what we want with our lives - or do those choices belong to gman? Sad Truth is with gman making the decisions, we are NOT free people.

  Dr. Jack really was not given a fair shake. Gman (arbitrarily) decided the people of this country were not capable of making life choices - so they opted to step in and make those choices for them. I could understand the prosecutions if there were existing laws on the books that he violated - but there were none. That is why it took multiple trials to stop him. Gman was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Gman, being the bloated oversized beached whale it is, eventually forced that peg. It mattered little that Dr. Jack was right or that his so called victims weren't victims as they all died by their own hand. What did matter was the obtuse vanity of the people who run this country. Gman simply could not have an individual thumbing their nose at them - that was his real crime. To me he is no different than the Tienamen square Soldier standing in front of the tanks - same reason - different circumstance - and most importantly different result.

  While most in the MSM will lament his passing as a loss for those who believe in assisted suicides, he was really much more a living-breathing statement on the limits of government. It is a sad day for those (like me) who champion individual rights. Those on the other side of that coin, who want more obtrusive government - will paint him in a negative light with slanderous names like "Dr. Death", because thats all they have. With them, It's always about the messenger, never about the message. This is evidenced by the rules of his parole where in this free country he was not allowed to speak publically about the assisted suicide issue after his release. What a farce. His message was one of freedom, personal choice, and limiting the reach of Gman. For that, he should be remembered as a crusader. Godspeed Jack.

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