Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Can't be the only person sickened by this

I apologise in advance for the Numbers I am about to hit you with, but it is necessary to fully appreciate the scale of disaster that is public education.

    1. Local, State, & Fed spending on public education was just shy of 900 billion in 2010.
    2. There are approx 60 million kids aged 5-18 in the US
    3. There are just under 3 million teachers in the US
    4. If the average teacher makes 50k then total payroll for all teachers is approx 150 billion
    5. We are spending $15,000 per student – or about $300k per classroom
    6. You could buy every school age child a new Imac and high speed internet for a year for    less than  a 100 billion.

  1. Only a government entity could spend $750 billion to administer $150 billion in payroll.
  2. Stated another way, of every $6 we spend - $5 is for administrative expense while $1 is for the teacher.
  3. How is this possible without widespread graft and corruption? Hint: its not.
  4. If Private enterprise & market forces were allowed in this market THIS could never happen.
  5. The next moron who thinks we need more $$ for education should be publicly whipped for Idiocy
  6. The next moron who says there is no place to cut $$ from the education budget is lying to you.
  7. Unions are to blame for some this, politicians the rest.
  8. Teaching via the internet is clearly the fiscally responsible way of the future, but the slew of people sucking on that $750 billion dollar teat will do anything they can to prevent change.
  9. Actual education in this country will continue to get worse because the money spent by taxpayers is not spent on education, but rather on enriching administrators.

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