Monday, September 13, 2021

 My apologies in advance for the dark tone of todays blog. Never one to shy away from reality, Bagholder believes the following is the road ahead our overlords have paved for us all. Enter at your own risk. 

    - First and foremost, understandCovid” is never going away ….

    Gman, the media, and big pharma, aka the “Triumvirate” all gain the longer this drags on.  Big Pharma makes bank peddling vaccines (which do not work and are little more than therapeutics) They, in turn, pay the media to scream fear 24/7. The frightened herd then clamors for Gman  to respond. Gman obliges with new laws & mandates which are supposed to help, but in typical government fashion,  only make things worse. When you consider the 3 entities involved (Gman, Media, Pharma) there is really no reason for them to ever shut off the gravy train. What this means is ….

    - You will have less & less freedom going forward


          With the Triumvirate standing to gain,  who do you suppose is losing?  Yep, You and Me.  The more Gman grows, the less freedom we have. The more laws they pass, the tougher our lives become.  The more we (are forced to) ingest big pharma concoctions, the sicker we are going to get. Media will continue to do the bidding of their two biggest clients, namely Gman and big pharma.  They will lay out  what is expected of you as we enter the “new normal”.  Part of that new normal will include the fact that…..

    - Covid shots will be “needed” on a regular basis for the rest of your life

                  Big Pharma has no interest in providing an actual cure for Covid. Its not in their business model.  They prefer the “Subscription Model” where customers will be required to take their product  on a regular basis, for life.  This provides big pharma with a recurring revenue stream, aka the Holy Grail of the business world. Of course they will divert a portion of the revenue stream to the political campaigns of the politicians willing to force joe sixpack into rolling up his sleeve. Another portion will go to the Media for ramping up the hysteria enough, to make Joe sixpack believe getting the jab is in his interests. What Joe doesn’t realize is…

     -The Vaxxed will continue to spread Covid at a much greater rate than the unvaxxed. 

                      These “vaccines” are therapeutics at best, meaning they are designed to treat symptoms, not the cause. When you have a back ache, taking an opiate (a therapeutic) makes the back feel better, but does nothing to address the underlying issue.  When your body has an ache, that pain is a signal something is wrong. Suppressing those signals with therapeutics handicaps your immune response.  Its the equivalent of disabling all the fire alarms in a skyscraper. The Covid Jabs do suppress symptoms, allowing the Vaxxed to go on with their lives as though nothing is wrong;  spreading the disease everywhere they go. Contrast this with the unvaxxed, who will experience symptoms earlier in the infection cycle, giving their immune system a head start. All of which explains why ….

   -The Vaxxed will be dying from Covid  at a much greater rate than the unvaxxed. 

                We are already seeing this in the UK (link here) and will be seeing it in the US soon.   Suppressing the symptoms allows the virus in the early stages to progress unimpeded. Compounding the problem is the fact that mRna vaccines are taking over portions of your immune system and instructing it to produce antibodies specific to the original virus.  In other words,  a percentage of your immune system is distracted fighting last years virus. So not only are the “fire alarms” in your body suppressed, half the firemen won’t be available to respond, because they are off fighting last years fire. This is why getting Vaxxed increases your chances of death from Covid.  Not to worry though, …..

   - The “Unvaxxed” will be blamed for all the misery… 

                   As Joe sixpack continues to feel his normal life slipping away, he will need an enemy.  The triumvirate will gladly provide Joe a villain by foisting blame for all the misery on to the Unvaxxed.  Providing a scapegoat for the vaxxed to direct their frustration, while simultaneously making the lives of the unvaxxed harder by having to deal with the derision of the vaxxed; is a win-win for the triumvirate. There is not a shred of logic in blaming the unvaxxed for the failure of the vaccine, but that is exactly what the triumvirate would have us believe. Classic misdirection. Joe’s pain is a result of the 24/7 fear porn on tv, lockdowns, mandates, experimental gene therapy, and business closures - all of which were instituted and fomented by the triumvirate. Their ultimate goal is to use Joe sixpack tp help increase pressure on the unvaxxed, with the hopes of goosing the vaccination rates higher, which in turn will make it easier to institute…

   - Vaccination passports for All

             I’m not talking paper passports, i’m talking under the skin computer chip - internet connected passports. They will be sold to the masses as the path out of the Covid dystopian hell in which we currently reside.  No need to worry, it will only be your medical records. Get your chip & go back to your normal life … I can hear it now.  The downside is the unprecedented amount of power Gman will have going forward. While it might start with just medical records, it won’t be long before you are tracked 24/7. They will know everything, where you went, who you were with, and how many times you had sex last month. The day will come when you eat too many fat grams, Your health chip will notify the authorities, and you will be fined. Keep it up, and the health police will be dispatched to seize your cheetoh’s, and lock you up. While this may seem insane, believe me, its not that far off.  This is precisely why…..

   - The proliferation of the police state will continue in earnest…

            As the screws get tightened on middle America, you can expect a full dose of military style intervention directed at anyone who dares wander from the scripted path. The road forward will be paved on the nightly news with example after example illustrating the sad fate of those who resist assimilation.  Ever wonder why the  average police department is more heavily armed than the standing armies of most countries?  They know what’s coming. 

  -  The judiciary will be no help…

       Planning a lawsuit because you lost your corporate job for refusing the jab?  Or maybe you are one of the tens of thousands suffering adverse reactions from the vaccines, and you are thinking a lawsuit just might be the answer. Simply put, none of these cases will ever see the light of day in a courtroom.  Those black robe wearing tools of the state were bought and paid for by the “Triumvirate”, long before you ever walked into their world. You didn’t actually think you could go into a courtroom and get anything resembling justice, did you?

  • Big tech will continue to assist in the censorship of anyone who dares to speak out against the prevailing Covid narrative. 

          Big tech stands to get a huge payday from this Covid narrative.  It will be their chips injected in all of us.  Of course, we only get to that stage if the Triumvirate can keep the narrative going of a Covid boogeyman. This explains the incessant campaign to suppress the success of Ivermectin - a drug which cost pennies. According to Johns Hopkins, people NOT treated with Ivermectin are dying at 18x the rate of those treated with Ivermectin. This graph with a sample size of an entire continent says it all….

 Ivermectin will never be allowed here.  Covid would go away, the media would have no vehicle to instill fear, there would be no need for big pharma concoctions, and Gman would have no valid reasons for lockdowns & mandates. The triumvirate would fall.  Ivermectin is the stone in David’s sling, which could take down the Goliath triumvirate. Want to have some real fun? Ask anyone who continually refers to Ivermectin as “Horsepaste or animal dewormer” to explain the graph above.  

   While Bagholder believes this blog lays out the likely path forward for us all.  It is by no means, guaranteed. The triumvirate is the quintessential  paper tiger. They need our willing participation.  Without it, they are powerless.  This means not succumbing to the 24/7 fear perpetuated by the media. It requires delving into the science & math and realizing the Jab will only make things worse. Realize government only has the power we give them - rejecting their mandates is the first step in checking that power.  Provided enough of us stand up and say I WILL NOT COMPLY, their entire narrative crumbles, and the triumvirate will be slain. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Patriotic Duty

   Here we are, nearly 2 1/2 centuries after the American Revolution - and we haven’t learned a damn thing about freedom.  Most people would tell you the revolutionary war was fought between England and the Colonists. While true in a sense, it would be more accurate to say the war was fought between England and a minority of the colonists. The distinction is an important one.  On one side was England, a fading empire, up to their eyeballs in debt, but an empire none the less.  Just like every fallen empire before them from the Sumerians through the Romans, they tried to keep their crumbling empire together by increasing taxation and sharply curtailing the freedom of their subjects. 

   Within the 13 colonies, the citizenry was sharply divided into 2 distinct groups. The first group had those citizens loyal to the English Crown, known as Tories. Their motto was “God, Queen, Country”. Notice how the Individual is nowhere to be found in their pecking order. The Tories did what they were told, as they felt their needs were secondary to needs of the Crown. If the Crown had said, roll up your sleeve and take this experimental Jab, because it will keep you safe - they would have done it without a thought. They valued safety above all else, even freedom. They believed with all their hearts, the Crown, who had the biggest standing army (and navy) at the time, would keep them safe. So without complaint,  they rationalized away control over their own life, and blindly accepted the Crown’s Intolerable acts and onerous taxation. 

   The second Group in the 13 colonies was known as the Patriots. Today the word “Patriots”  has a very positive connotation.  Back then however, “Patriots” were widely considered troublemakers, rabble rousers, and criminals.  The Patriots valued Freedom above all else. Had the British crown said, roll up your sleeve and take this experimental Jab, because it will keep you safe - they would have said you can shove that Jab up the King’s ass. Oh, and bring me that smarmy court jester Fauci, so we can have him drawn & quartered.  The Patriots were a rugged, self-reliant bunch. As the Crown tightened the screws on its subjects with new laws and new taxes, it was the Patriots who stood up to the evil empire, and said WE WILL NOT COMPLY.  The Crown branded them rebellious traitors.  

     WE WILL NOT COMPLY was complete heresy to the Tories. In fact, the Tories were terrified of what the Crown might do to ALL of the colonists because of the behavior of a few belligerent Patriots. The Tories felt the Patriots were jeopardizing their safety and their future. So the Torries lashed out, burning businesses & homes belonging to the Patriots. They did anything they could to undermine the Patriots in their struggle against the Crown. The Tories willingly traded away their freedom, to live under the authoritarian rule of the Crown, in the hopes they would be safe. Some people just want to be ruled. 

   The patriots looked at the situation in a more rational manner. They decided it was pure lunacy to continue to give huge chunks of their income to some guy sitting in a fancy chair thousands of miles away. In fact, why listen to this guy at all?  He takes our money, passes ever more intrusive laws, and strips us of our freedom a piece at a time (much like the federal government does today). There just comes a point where enough is enough. Only WE can keep us safe thought the Patriots, provided we have the freedom to do it. Unlike the Tories, the Patriots believed the needs of the individual were more important than the needs of the Crown. They correctly judged freedom was worth fighting for.  And so the revolution began….

  The parallels to today are striking. Once again, an oppressive fading empire has divided the country into 2 camps.  Lets call the first group the Vaxxed. They believe the needs of the state are more important than the needs of the individual, just like the Tories. They are obedient subjects, who willingly took the Jab without a thought, because they were told it was safe, and it was for the greater good. They believe its ok for the state to force compliance of their views on those who resist. They have traded away their personal sovereignty by locking down, wearing masks, and rolling up their sleeves; all for the promise of safety and a return to a normal life. 

    In the other Camp are the Unvaxxed, widely considered troublemakers bordering on domestic terrorists, much like the Patriots. They believe the needs of individual outweigh the needs of the state. The unvaxxed have looked at the Science & Math behind the vaccines, and rationally decided to refuse the jab. Above all else, they believe in freedom. One of those freedoms, is the choice to decide what goes in your body is your choice to make, not the state’s. The unvaxxed are indeed, the modern day version of Patriots. 

   There are really only 2 ways you can go thru life.  Like a sheep…. With your head down, doing what you are told without a thought, safely ensconced in the middle of the herd, praying that the wolves never come a calling, and rationalizing the gradual loss of freedom by telling yourself its for the greater good.  Or you can go through life like a wolf…With your head high, alert, self reliant, free spirited, and blazing your own trail.  Life provides choices.  You can rationalize behavior or behave rationally. Do what you are told or think for yourself. Tory or Patriot, state or individual, sheep or wolf, safety or freedom, Jab or no jab. 

Bagholder has made his choices….Enough is enough …. The State can mandate the Jab all they want,  I WILL NOT COMPLY.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Dinner Time


   Who doesn’t like a buffet?  Double helping of this, pass on that, give me 3 of those, and lets not forget dessert, uh better make that two.  Buffets appeal to almost everyone, because they present a plethora of choice, which grants the power to choose, and you don’t even have to live with the consequences of those choices. Don’t like the way the chicken tastes, don’t eat it - and just go get another plate. There is very little on earth more soothing to the Psyche (ego) than consequence free, exercise of power.  

  Much like the buffet, social media delivers the very same “consequence free exercise of power”.  Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram; they are all the same. The social media delivery mechanism you choose, hardly matters any more than which buffet you go to.  They all offer platforms where you are presented with choices of who to like, friend, or follow.  All the while algorithms work in the background to find you more of what you like, without having to sift through dissenting opinions. All social media platforms offer a “We thought you might like (insert video, celebrity, news story, etc…)”  -  always cooked just the way you like it. 

    Somebody from across the political aisle hitting you with too many uncomfortable truths?  Just click unfollow, and you can go right back to the psychological and emotional safety offered by the fellow members of your chosen tribe. You never have to undertake the difficult task of questioning the validity of your own beliefs when you surround yourself with the like minded. On the flip side, ever felt the sting of disenfranchisement by getting Unfriended?  That is the pain of imaginary, yet powerful, psychological walls going up. Them on one side of the wall, you on the other. 

   This is the curse of social media, when you get right down to it - they are instruments of division.  The perfect tools for the ruling class “to gift” the plebes.  A Pandora’s box of divide, conquer and rule. Brick by brick, those walls are going up - one unfriend at a time.  As usual, the plebes are the ones doing all the work laying the bricks. Their pay?  A hit of dopamine and a small taste of power every time they hit the like button, share that, or downvote this. While the plebes are quick to appreciate the erected barriers keep out the unwashed, non-believers….. they do not recognize the walls they erect are every bit as confining as a prison cell.

    Once corralled into smaller like minded herds, the masses become pliable, and thus more easily controlled. How does the ruling class control them, you ask? Simple, take whatever the news story of the day is, intensely narrow the focus and ramp up the emotional hysteria.  Consider the George Floyd/Derek Chauvin debacle.  The media was quick to push the narrowly focused “White cop, Black victim”  racism hot button.  Suddenly, everyone was on one side or the other. The real issue (the proliferation of the police state) was never addressed. 

   Its no different with Covid.  While Bagholder is certain 90% of people could tell you, with authority, covid has killed “600,000” people.  How many of those people could tell you, at a molecular level, exactly what Covid does to your body. My bet is none as the real issue will never be addressed. Dozens of stories are available about the merit of the vaccines, but I struggle to find any story about how Zinc, Magnesium, vitamins C & D will help prevent infection by strengthening your cell walls and supercharging your immune system.  Social media companies have managed to Narrow the Focus down to ….. Vax or Anti-vax, all the while ramping up the hysteria with 600,000 dead, ad nauseam. These are all just more bricks for peoples self built prisons. Oh, you’re Anti-vax?  Better flex my muscle and unfollow you. 

  The powerful feeling you get picking and choosing on social media, just like picking and choosing at the buffet is ALL FAKE. The feeling is real, the choice is not. The "choices" were made by our rulers, long before they were presented to us as "choices”.  The buffet owner decides steak or hamburger, lobster or fish patties, and chicken florentine or chicken fingers.  Your choices, by the time they get to you, are hamburger, fish patties, or chicken fingers. Social media works the same way. Sure you can follow only others who like chicken fingers, and unfollow those who like fish patties. But at the end of the day, it is the social media companies who decide what goes on that buffet. It is not by accident the “Taliban” have a Twitter account, and former president Trump does not. 

   Make no mistake, social media is a tool used by the powerful to corral and control the masses. Just because you can choose to color your prison wall with the light blue bricks of Twitter, or the crimson red bricks of Youtube, does not alter the fact you are a prisoner, even if it is self-imposed. Are you really free if your only choices are how to gild your cage?  

Oh well, at least its chicken fingers night in Shawshank USA. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

I Am, therefore I Think


   Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the entire Covid Narrative is the complete lack of critical thought by those willing to roll up their sleeve just because Government, big Pharma, and the Media are pushing it. Nobody with a 3 digit IQ could, with critical thought, THINK there is any wisdom in taking an untested, rushed to market jab, with unknown long term effects, which neither conveys immunity or stops transmission - all to fight a virus which is killing 1 healthy person in 15,000 under age 65. 

    Bagholder has had a difficult time understanding why 1/2 the country has willingly gotten vaxxed. One thing is for sure, they are not thinking critically. For many of them, critical thought was deliberately removed by the educational system at a very young age. After all, the schools are usually government run, and Gman has no use for independent "thinkers" who have the nasty habit of questioning authority. They much prefer non-thinking, like minded, obedient drones. 

    Consequently, schools from day one are conditioning our youth to TRUST authority. In fact we are told to trust authority more than we trust ourselves. With that in mind, it really should not be a surprise 1/2 the adults in this country have swallowed the Government Covid narrative with nary a thought. They trust the source. To put it bluntly, NO critical thought is required when trust is freely given. 

   Bagholder lives in a world where trust is not given, it is earned. Government, quite frankly, hasn't earned any. Everything they touch, they make worse, without exception. No critically thinking individual should believe anything they say.  The obedient, on the other hand, swallow it whole. Most of them believe, the faster they roll up their sleeve, the faster they get back to their normal lives.

   While blind trust explains why many people got vaxxed, there is something else working here as well. A huge percentage of the population, while capable of critical thought, opt not to use it, because they are governed by emotion. One of the strongest human emotions is Fear. The tried and true blueprint gman uses to tap peoples fear is just a 3 step process. 

 First, completely control the environment of the target, usually through isolation and non-stop propaganda.  This explains the masks, the lockdowns, and the 24/7/365 Covid news cycle. 

  Secondly, you manufacture and then bombard the target with a crisis, solely to instill fear.  This explains the exaggerated death counts, the videos of overrun emergency rooms, the dire headlines, the doom & gloom predictions, etc...

   The third and final step is to trigger the "fight or flight" mechanism within the target. Once this is accomplished critical thought is no longer an option, because fear is driving the bus. Their nervous system becomes stressed,  their natural reaction is panic, and their decisions become emotional. They will do anything to get out of the fight or flight mode, including throwing critical thought out the window.  The world would be a better place, If only the idea of fearing less and understanding more, were as widespread as the Covid narrative. 

  In this world, we do have choices. You can walk a higher path, live a vigilant life of critical thinking, where you gather your own information, vet your own sources, and make up your own mind......OR .... You can follow the path of least resistance, and passively swallow the Government narrative, so you can quickly get back to your Amazon packages, In and Out Burgers, social media accounts, and streaming services. Your choice. 

It frightens me, 1/2 the country has already chosen the latter....